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Student Scientific Forum 2021


The results of the work of the section "Chemistry and Plant Protection" of the XIII International Student Scientific Forum "Student Scientific Forum - 2021", held by the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, have been summed up. The Student Scientific Forum 2021 is the largest scientific international event held in two stages with a wide opportunity to discuss reports and publish forum materials.

Since 2015, under the guidance of leading teachers of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, students of the faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture have taken part in the conference.

According to the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS), students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University were awarded with diplomas "For the best student scientific work".

Diploma of the first degree was awarded to Victoria Ustimova for the work "Biological efficiency of the use of herbicides express, VDG and Express Gold, VDG with a single and fractional application in sunflower crops", supervisor is doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova.

According to the results of the forum, students were awarded the Diploma of the winner of the II degree for the best student scientific work:

• “Peculiarities of sunflower protection from harmful organisms” - Julia Belyanskaya, supervisor: Associate Professor Yu.A. Bezgina.

• "Membrane Separation Methods" - Velskaya Evelina, Supervisor: Associate Professor E.V. Volosova.

• "Features of design in landscape design" - Eredzhepova E.B., Antipenkova Yu.V., Shulzhenko E.V., supervisor: Associate Professor Maznitsyna L.V.

• "Methods of water purification" - Radjabova Raziyat, supervisor: Associate Professor Shipulya Anna Nikolaevna,

• "Chemistry as the basis of forensic science" - Yulia Vorobyeva, Anna Yatsenko, supervisor: Associate Professor Elena Valentinovna Pashkova

• "Modern assortment of insecticides" - Ryabchenko Adelina, scientific adviser: Assistant Sharipova O.V.

The effectiveness of the scientific work of the university also depends on student science, which is created within the university and effectively operates in it. The organization of students' involvement in research activities opens up opportunities for stimulating the creative potential of the individual. Scientific laboratories and circles, student scientific societies, forums and conferences - all this allows the student to conduct full-fledged scientific work, find like-minded people on it, with whom you can consult and share the results of your research. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.01.2022
Номер новости для фото:  3

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