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Working meeting of employees of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Stavropol Territory


As part of the implementation of the "University 2030" project, a working meeting was held between employees of the Stavropol State University and the Department of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography in the Stavropol Territory. The meeting resulted in agreements on joint work in various areas of activity.

The University was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolayevich Esaulko and Head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre, Doctor of Geography, Professor Alexander Viktorovich Loshakov.

The Directorate of Rosreestr for the Stavropol Territory was represented by the head Nikolai Viktorovich Chernukhin and the head of the monitoring and control department Inna Khasanovna Nagieva.

During the meeting, the issues of employment of graduates were considered; passing educational and technological practice of students in Rosreestr for the UK; holding joint conferences, round tables and forums; joint work on land inventory.

Employees of Rosreestr were interested in the experience of the department on the inventory of agricultural land in the municipalities of our region. 

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