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The delegation of the Stavropol State Agrarian University takes part in the strategic session of the program "Priority 2030": Development of agricultural universities


The strategic session of the program "Priority 2030": Development of agricultural universities was held at the Kuban State Agrarian University. Winning universities and program coordinators took part in the work. Within the framework of the session, experts spoke, work in groups in the following areas: research (R&D), educational policy of the university, attraction and development of talented youth, university management.

The strategic session is attended by four agrarian universities that are winners of the Priority 2030 academic leadership program: Stavropol, Kuban, Belgorod and Novosibirsk, as well as universities that are members of their consortia. There are more than 20 higher educational institutions in Russia.

Our university is represented by:

· Acting Rector Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev,

· Vice-rector for Scientific and Innovative Work Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev,

· Vice-rector for Academic and Educational Work Ivan Vyacheslavovich Atanov,

· Head of the Project Office Sergey Valeryevich Masalov.

The rector of KubSAU Alexander Ivanovich Trubilin addressed the audience with a welcoming speech, then he made a report "Global transition to the agro-industrial complex 4.0: a window of new opportunities for educational and research programs."

The first day of the strategic session was attended by Nadezhda Vladimirovna Orlova, Head of the Department of Economics of Innovation at the Institute of Agrarian Research, National Research University Higher School of Economics, head of the expert group in the field of agro-industrial complex of the company «Innopraktika», the expert made a report “Problems and Prospects of Higher Education. Program Priority-2030”.

After the plenary session, the work continued in groups and areas.

The work in the group "University Management" was headed by the Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev. Experts in groups worked out the challenges, principles and mechanisms for the development of directions. On the second day of the session, the rectors reported on the results of their work to the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and the Minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation.

The second day of the strategic session began with a plenary session. Its main topic was the joint work on the modernization and development of agricultural education of the two ministries. The work was attended by:

· Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Dmitry Nikolaevich Patrushev,

· Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Valery Nikolaevich Falkov,

· Governor of the Krasnodar Territory Veniamin Ivanovich Kondratiev.

The leitmotif of the meeting: the implementation of projects within the framework of the program of academic leadership "Priority 2030". This is the largest program of state support and development of universities in the history of the country. This is the first federal project to support higher education institutions, organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, in which agricultural universities took part.

The victory in the "Priority 2030" made it possible to conduct scientific research and create science-intensive products and technologies, ensure the socio-economic development of territories, strengthen the personnel and scientific and technological potential of organizations in the real sector of the economy and the social sphere.

This is a new stage in the development of agricultural education, which is made possible thanks to the close work of two ministries: Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

D. N. Patrushev, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

“I am convinced that within the framework of today's dialogue we can discuss the modernization of agricultural education and, of course, the development of human resources and innovation potential of the entire agro-industrial complex. I will dwell on the areas that the Ministry of Agriculture is implementing to train specialists in the field of the agro-industrial complex: of course, providing the industry with qualified specialists and researchers. This is a priority task, and of course a task that we are solving through our subordinate agricultural universities. They annually graduate about 60 thousand people, while it is important that the proportion of graduates employed in the agro-industrial complex is constantly increasing. Over the past year, it has grown by another 8% and reached 78%. We are in constant contact with the industry scientific community. The focus is on the comprehensive adaptation of the educational process to the current issues that control our industry. This requires a revision of existing education programs and the introduction of new specialties.”

The minister noted that the growth of graduates who remain working in the field of agriculture is also due to new approaches to the educational process. Last year, 24 new areas of training, 225 specializations were opened in the universities subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture. Much work is being done at agricultural universities to develop industrial practice. This is one of the main components of a quality education and increases the possibility of employment.

V.N. Falkov, Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

“We need to get the support of the team. Because no development program can be implemented if at the university, these changes are not supported by departments and teachers. Today, motivated people are present here, and we need to try to build problematization through the efforts of the two Ministries, to determine the main key problems, to build possible transformations, their sequence, and to exchange experience. We have a desire to regularly hold such events. We expect serious practical results from you. We are ready to help, but for this we need to work for results together with the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Agriculture, with business, with the regions.”

Today, agrarian regions such as Stavropol and Kuban are in dire need of personnel renewal at agricultural enterprises. This applies not only to applied specialties, but also to researchers.

V. I. Kondratiev, Governor of the Krasnodar Territory.

“Each region has its own specifics, and agricultural universities should be integrated, including in the problems of agriculture. Necessarily from the point of view of the scientific approach. Today, the integration of agrarian universities, science, and directly the rural sector of the economy is visible and tangible. Thanks to the Ministries for the common work in this direction.”

As part of the strategic session, a cooperation agreement was signed between the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia and the0 Foundation «R&D» (Innopraktika).

The main objective of the integration of efforts is to increase the relevance of agricultural education. The industry needs personnel, which means that additional involvement of young people in the specialties of the agro-industrial complex is required.

Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Alexander Vladimirovich Trukhachev presented the results of the work of the project group "University Management" to the Minister of Agriculture D.N. Patrushev and the Minister of Science and Higher Education V.N. Falkov. Alexander Vladimirovich outlined the barriers that exist in the management of universities, and suggested ways to solve them. A.V. Trukhachev presented to the heads of departments the directions of transformation of the management system in agricultural universities, aimed at improving the management policy of a modern university.

A.V. Trukhachev, Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

“Today, the management system of agricultural universities is facing a set of barriers and challenges, without which it is impossible to achieve global competitiveness. During the work of our group, more than 30 challenges were formulated and considered. Industry universities are at the crossroads of making a decision on the transition to multi-profile, to overcome the challenges of increasing competitiveness in the global and domestic markets. On the one hand, our universities are called upon to train competitive personnel for the agricultural sector, but in the context of digital transformation and the implementation of the AIC 4.0 model, the development of new competencies is required.”

The work continued with experts who presented cases and lectures to the delegations. Theme “Modern technologies of molecular genetic diagnostics. How human medicine can be used for animals” was revealed by Vadim Markovich Govorun, General Director of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Physical and Chemical Medicine of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia. Nikolai Pavlovich Elatkin, head of Miratorg Genetics, delivered a lecture on "Modern genetics and selection in livestock and crop production." Roman Sergeevich Kulikov, Head of Genetic Programs at «Innopraktika», completed the work of this unit.

The second working day of the strategic session of the program "Priority 2030": Development of agricultural universities ended with an exchange of views and a lively dialogue of all universities participating in the session. 

Дата новости для фото:  24.01.2022
Номер новости для фото:  11

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