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Participation of teachers and students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty in the First Telegram Conference of the South-Western Sberbank


On the eve of the Student's Day, meetings with graduates were held at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance. Successful figures spoke about their professional growth and student years. During the conference, a quiz was held, following which the students were rewarded with valuable gifts.

Evgeny Titov, a graduate of our university, met with the best students at the site of the “ABC of Money” Business School of the Youth Technopark “FoodNet” of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

At the beginning of the meeting, the banker shared the 25-year history of his career growth in the Sberbank of Russia system from an ordinary employee in 1993 to the current head of a territorial bank.

Addressing the students, Evgeny Viktorovich noted: “Student years are a wonderful couple, which is associated with inexhaustible energy, activity, optimism and craving for knowledge. Knowledge is the most valuable and necessary resource for achieving success in any business. It is during this period of life that you can plan your future, set ambitious goals and begin the path to success.

During a dialogue with young people, Evgeny Titov suggested that students get acquainted with the technologies of success in an era of change. He told what competencies employees should have and what advantages a young employee of Sberbank has.

A pleasant meeting was the speech of another accounting and financial graduate, Evgeny Anatolyevich Legush, director of the sales organization department of the regional sector manager of the South-Western Bank, who also spoke about his career growth at Sberbank and expressed his gratitude to the teaching staff for the knowledge gained at the Agrarian University.

At the end of the productive meeting, Evgeny Titov emphasized that our time is called VUCA - it is an unstable, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, like an ocean. Today, more and more often, young people have to think about which field of activity to choose in order, in the end, not to be left “overboard” in modern life. Therefore, he recommended that students take the models and formulas for success from Yitzhak Adizes and Ray Dalio as the basis for their life credo: “You must change and grow with your company, otherwise you risk becoming useless”; “The day you stop learning should only be the day you die”; “The key to success is dreams, combined with a sober assessment of what reality is, as well as knowing how to defeat this reality, and the determination to do it.”

And these parting words of an authoritative manager will serve as a good impetus for those who see themselves in the financial sector and are ready to actively build the future of Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.01.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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