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Investor school: transforming savings into investments


A trading master class is a simple and quick way to gain the necessary knowledge, understand the laws of the exchange and the features of the operation of certain instruments. Thanks to this training format, you can get working skills without shoveling gigabytes of information in search of the right model, strategy or formula.

As part of the implementation of the "Investor School" project, teachers of the Accounting and Finance Faculty conducted a master class "How to trade? Peculiarities of Exchange Trading” jointly by the Investment Company “Finam-Stavropol”. The participants of the event were students of the Accounting and Financial Faculty, the Faculty Of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism and the Farm Mechanization Faculty.

The director of the Investment Company “Finam-Stavropol”, practicing broker Butaliy Lyubov Mikhailovna spoke about the features of the transformation of personal savings into investments, explained how to open a brokerage account for trading securities and currencies on the stock exchange, described the types of brokerage accounts, gave recommendations on the use of technical and fundamental analysis in stock trading. She paid special attention to the peculiarities of stock trading, providing participants with an opportunity to access the demo account of the trading platform «FinamTrade», explained to students how to create their first investment portfolio, what constitutes a glass of stock and what quotes are for. The presented mobile service allows you to monitor the current situation on the market online, synchronizes the settings both on the terminal and on the tablet/computer, in essence it is an "exchange in the palm of your hand".

The participants enthusiastically plunged into the world of investments, asked various questions about exchange trading, profitable financial instruments, possible risks of investing, how to form a profitable investment portfolio and received professional answers from Lyubov Mikhailovna.

At the end of the event, the participants were invited to participate in the exchange game, in which the participants of the master class will have to actively form their investment portfolios for 5 days, summarize the results of transactions on the Broker's Day - January 31 - and determine the best broker of the Investor School. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.01.2022
Номер новости для фото:  18

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