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Round table "Nutrition is the basis of a healthy lifestyle"


The concepts of "proper nutrition" and "healthy lifestyle" are inseparable, since it is the food consumed by a person that ensures the full repair and development of not only cells, but also body tissues. It is important that a sufficient (but not excessive) amount of various microelements, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and vitamins come with food. It is this problem that proper nutrition is designed to solve. This topic was devoted to a round table with students.

Students of the Faculties of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology took part in a round table on proper nutrition with interest. The main objective of the event is to form students' interest in the organization of proper nutrition, as one of the components of a healthy lifestyle that contributes to the preservation and promotion of health.

The round table was organized by professors of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education Anna Viktorovna Morgunova and Irina Gennadievna Chichagova. As part of the round table, a business game was held, where the teams were able to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of nutritional physiology, sanitation and food hygiene, and also recalled the main recommendations on the diet.

One of the elements of the round table was the solution of the Healthy Eating crossword puzzle. At the end of the event, teachers and students summed up the results on the organization of proper balanced nutrition. 

Дата новости для фото:  02.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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