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Participation of SSAU scientists in the round table of the Union of Organic Farming


As part of the implementation of the program of strategic academic leadership "Priority 2030", the scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources carry out a number of projects. One of them is the biologized farming system of the Stavropol Territory, as a result of which the Center for Organic Farming will be created.

Round table “Organic farming – new opportunities. System and practices of responsible land use, sustainable development of rural areas” was organized and held by the Chairman of the Board of the Union of Organic Farming, a member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Sergey Aleksandrovich Korshunov.

The Stavropol Territory, and the Stavropol State Agrarian University, was represented by the Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko and the Head of the Basic Department of General Agriculture, Crop Production, Breeding and Seed Production named after professor F.I. Bobryshev, associate professor Olga Ivanovna Vlasova.

S.A. Korshunov stressed that experts predict further development of the Russian organic market at the expense of large producers. This trend may change due to the adoption of the Federal Law regulating the production of organic products (Federal Law No. 37283-7 “On Organic Products and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”).

Producers will be able to enjoy the benefits provided for organic producers, there will be conditions for expanding the range of products due to greater mobility of small forms of production organizations. But the most important thing is that the state mechanism of educating the population about the environmental benefits and features of the production of organic agricultural products will be connected, and retail chains will be able to take advantage of the increased demand through the allocation of zones with "green shelves". In the matter of education, as well as sales promotion, it is important to take into account the peculiarities of the motivation of the Russian consumer of organic products.

The current trend in global agro-industrial production is the development of environmental technologies, including organic farming, based on the use of natural self-regulatory processes, which involves the rejection of the use of pesticides, mineral fertilizers and the production of environmentally friendly (organic) products. This is due to the ever-growing interest in the consumption of natural products, as well as the desire to reduce the negative anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem of our planet.

The event discussed new trends in organic agriculture for 2021 and the state strategy for the development of organic agriculture until 2030.

Dean of the faculty A.N. Esaulko 

Дата новости для фото:  03.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  4

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