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Regional qualifying stage of the All-Russian competition of scientific works for the best author's research in the field of the financial market "Financial market instruments for the agro-industrial complex of the region"


Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the Regional qualifying stage of the All-Russian competition of scientific works for the best author's research in the field of the financial market "Financial market instruments for the region's agro-industrial complex". The participants of the competition discussed a wide range of issues related to the development of the financial market and its significance for the region, shared their experience and development trends in this area.

The presentations reflected issues related to the goals and directions of the development of the financial market, the risks of implementing these areas, the introduction of financial and digital technologies, the realities and prospects for the development of insurance, the role of the insurance mechanism in ensuring the economic security of tourists, and the prospects for introducing the blockchain system into the agricultural sector of the economy.

The competition of student research works was organized by the teachers of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance Business for the eighth time and is aimed at promoting the intensification of students' research activities, substantiating the directions for sustainable financial development of agribusiness enterprises, and increasing students' interest in their chosen profession. For the first time the Competition was held in April 2015, during its existence more than 200 students from 15 regions of Russia took part in the Competition.

It was attended by students of higher education of educational institutions of the Stavropol Territory, interested in promoting their scientific ideas and research.

The regional qualifying stage of the competition was held in the form of defending the results of research work in the individual classification, which included a report and presentation. Students from Stavropol State Agrarian and North Caucasian Federal Universities presented their scientific work to the experts.

According to the results of the competition of scientific student works, prizes were distributed as follows:

Zelenova Anastasia Vladimirovna - Diploma of the 1st degree

Tkachuk Ekaterina Nikolaevna – Diploma of II degree

Adankina Anastasia Aleksandrovna – Diploma of III degree

Romankova Alina Denisovna - Diploma of the 1st degree in the nomination "The Future of the Insurance Market"

Lukyanchuk Yulia Vladimirovna - Diploma of the II degree in the nomination "Risk Hedging"

Letters of thanks were sent to scientific supervisors. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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