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XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agricultural Science, Creativity, Growth": Transformation and sustainable development of rural areas as the basis for ensuring food security


Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a plenary session of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agrarian Science, Creativity, Growth": Transformation and sustainable development of rural areas as the basis for ensuring food security, which is held jointly by the faculties of accounting and finance, agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture.

The conference was attended by members of the Consortium of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program “Priority-2030”, of which Stavropol State Agrarian University is a member: the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, the Stavropol regional branch of JSC Rosselkhozbank, the Stavropol State Agrochemical Service, universities of North-Caucasian Federal District and others.

The conditions for forming the basis for the sustainable development of rural areas are diverse and are directly related to the use of available resources, increasing employment, ensuring a positive trend in demographic processes, updating rural infrastructure, and achieving standards for the level and quality of life of the rural population.

The importance of rural areas for our country lies in the nationwide functions they perform (production, demographic, etc.). The fulfillment of these functions is the most important condition for the successful socio-economic development of the country and ensuring its food security.

Welcoming remarks were made by:

Alexey Nikolaevich Bobryshev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Larisa Sergeevna Korobeynikova, Vice-Rector for Economics and Contract Service, Voronezh State University, Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Candidate of Economics, Professor

Elena Ivanovna Kostyukova, Dean of the Accounting and Finance Faculty of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Alexander Nikolaevich Esaulko, Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences

In the Russian Federation in recent years, the priority of state policy has been to ensure the national security of the country and food security as one of its main directions, realizing the constitutional function of the social state - improving the quality of life of Russian citizens by guaranteeing high standards of life support and, first of all, by meeting the needs for quality food products.

The functioning of the agrarian sector of the economy shows that the development of small forms of management, small agricultural business, is an important factor in providing the population with affordable food, the basis for preserving the rural population, rural areas and the formation of a diversified economy.

Currently, the concept of "quality of life" is widely used in various regulatory and strategic documents. President of Russia V.V. Putin in his addresses to the Federal Assembly has repeatedly stated the need to improve the standard of living, ensure a decent, long life for citizens and improve its quality, which is reflected in the documents of the country's socio-economic development and the implementation of National projects. The importance of considering the problem of the quality of life of the population of Russia is beyond doubt. In this regard, several tasks related to the use of the concept of quality of life in planning the socio-economic development of Russia and ensuring the country's security come to the fore.

Lyubov Vasilievna Agarkova, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance, made a presentation entitled “Substantiation of Funding Volumes to Achieve Indicators of Quality of Life in Rural Areas”.

Human capital is a set of knowledge and skills that are applied to meet the needs of an individual and society. The accumulated human capital is the main condition for the development of the economy. An integral part of human capital is physiological. It is closely related to the importance of health, emotional state, material well-being of workers and other factors.

Grigory Andreevich Razuvaev and Aleksey Leonidovich Dobrunov, students of the Faculty of Medicine and Biology of Voronezh State University, made a presentation on "Clinical and economic efficiency of Parkinson's disease therapy methods and prospects for the latest research in the development of anti-Parkinsonian drugs".

One of the pressing global problems today is meeting the growing demand for food in the face of depletion of natural resources. Vegetable and fruit growing are priority branches of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, the main products of which are vegetables, fruits and berries. When they are consumed, the population receives the necessary vitamins, minerals, essential organic acids, etc., which ensure human health and longevity.

Saodat Ismailovna Dusmuratova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Tashkent State Agrarian University (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) made a presentation on “Perspective directions of scientific research in horticulture in Uzbekistan”.

An important information value for ensuring the effectiveness of the operation of land law norms in the implementation of management activities in the field of land relations is the state monitoring of lands, which is an integral part of state environmental monitoring, is a system of observation, assessment and forecasting aimed at obtaining reliable information about the state of lands, about their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, their use and the state of soil fertility. The objects of state monitoring of lands are all lands in the Russian Federation.

Vasily Pavlovich Egorov, director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution GC Agrochemical Service "Stavropolsky", made a presentation "State monitoring of soil fertility in the Stavropol Territory". In the conditions of the formation of market relations, the use of the land fund is the main dominant in the development of the national economy as a whole, and especially its environmental potential. The organization of the rational use of land resources in each region, including in the conditions of the Stavropol Territory, is of great importance, since the level of intensification of agricultural production largely depends on the effectiveness of this natural resource potential.

Alexander Viktorovich Loshakov, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre, made a presentation "Land fund of the Stavropol Territory and problems of its use." In a civilized world, every employer is supposed to pay attention to the safety of their employees during work. In addition, he is obliged to ensure that the activities of the enterprise do not harm others. These requirements are reflected in the legislation. To ensure safety, production control is being introduced in organizations - this is control over compliance with hygiene standards and sanitary rules. It is carried out by the employer.

Kristina Aleksandrovna Cherkasova, post-graduate student, assistant of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Voronezh State University, made a presentation “Peculiarities of Formation of the Production Control Program for Corporate Organizations”. One of the main directions of stimulating economic growth and economic activity in society is the creation of favorable conditions for organizing, developing and running small and medium-sized businesses. These, at first glance, insignificant business entities play one of the key roles in the economy of the country and the region.

There is an objective need to support small and medium businesses. One form of such support is their interaction with commercial banks, which provide them with their own products and services.

Aleksey Olegovich Rudenko, Head of the Department for Analysis and Evaluation of Microbusiness Credit Projects of the Stavropol Regional Branch of Rosselkhozbank JSC, completed the work of the plenary session with the report “Credit Products for Microbusiness Clients”. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  5

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