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Scientific discussion "Achieving the goals of sustainable development in the economic system of Russia: theory and practice"


At the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the Faculty of Economics organized and conducted a scientific discussion on theoretical aspects and practical solutions to the most important problem of our time - achieving the goals of sustainable development in the economic system of Russia in the national and global aspect. The event was held as part of the celebration of the Day of Russian Science, designed to emphasize the important role of science in society and the need for the participation of the general public in the discussion of emerging scientific issues. The purpose of the scientific discussion is to involve young people in research work, to reveal the achievements of economic science, to reflect creative, original ideas in the field of research activities.

The scientific discussion was attended by teachers and students of the Faculty of Economics of Stavropol State Agrarian University, teachers and students of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University. The reports were presented both in person and in online presentations and electronic posters.

The organizers and speakers were: Doctor of Economics, Professor Kusakina Olga Nikolaevna and teachers of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics - Antonova Irina Yuryevna, Kosinova Elena Alexandrovna, Dovgotko Natalya Anatolyevna, Tokareva Galina Viktorovna, Rybasova Yulia Viktorovna, Agalarova Ekaterina Grigorievna and Skiperskaya Elizaveta Viktorovna.

The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Kusakina Olga Nikolaevna. In her welcoming speech, she noted that traditionally the Days of Russian Science at the Faculty of Economics are a platform for finding answers to complex questions that economic reality poses to society.

The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Management in the Agroindustrial Complex of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lyubov Borisovna Vinnichek also delivered a welcoming speech. Congratulating all those involved in this wonderful holiday, she emphasized the need for active participation of students and undergraduates in the discussion of emerging scientific issues, wished them to achieve high results in the field of science.

The theme of the scientific discussion proposed by the organizers is very relevant, since the Sustainable Development Goals - a set of 17 interrelated goals developed in 2015 by the UN General Assembly - today act as "a plan to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all." The participants of the event discussed the problems and prospects for achieving the UN SDGs in connection with the tasks of the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation. So, in her speech on the topic “Agro-industrial complex of Russia in the context of achieving sustainable development goals”, Associate Professor, Ph.D. Kosinova Elena Alexandrovna revealed the role and importance of the agro-industrial complex of Russia in the implementation of the UN SDGs, described the tasks of their adaptation to national conditions in the agricultural sector of the economy.

In continuation of the discussion, reports of students of the 1st and 4th courses of the direction "Economics" (bachelor's degree) were presented. First-year students Grishchenko Nikita, Prokudin Artem, Solgalova Victoria, Zhuk Elizaveta, Buryakovskaya Polina, Klisch Anastasia, Nikonova Vera, Sadovaya Ilya, Kalashnikova Sofya discussed various Sustainable Development Goals and ways to achieve them, including the problems of poverty, hunger, climate change and healthy lifestyle. 4th year students Degtyarev Artem, Degtyarev Anton, Chernova Yana and Takushinov David in their reports revealed innovative factors for achieving the UN SDGs in the agricultural sector of the economy, raised the issue of gender equality, discussed domestic achievements in the field of decent work and economic growth, outlined the role of cryptocurrencies as a factor in achieving SDGs in Russia.

The scientific discussion was productive and interesting. The presented reports caused an active discussion of the audience, in live communication many topical questions were asked on the problem of achieving the UN SDGs in the global economy and the Russian economy. The panellists summarized that by 2030, the world will continue to develop in a sustainable development paradigm, transform, experience difficulties and endure crises, make breakthroughs and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The organizers sincerely thank all participants of the event for high-quality and interesting reports, wish not to lose interest in scientific research, gain useful experience and develop economic science! 

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  16

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