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Digital scientific marathon in honor of the Day of Russian Science


Every year, the scientific community of the Department of Information Systems celebrates the week of Russian science. By tradition, a cycle of popular science events took place this year as well.

The week of science was opened by the seminar “Digital Science Today: Arguments and Facts”. The specialist of the Department of IT-technologies of the Ministry of Agriculture, Alexander Alexandrovich Ivannikov, addressed the teachers and students with a welcoming speech, who shared his experience in implementing advanced digital technologies in agriculture.

Associate Professors of the Department Svetlana Viktorovna Bogdanova and Anna Nikolaevna Ermakova spoke about participation in the All-Russian Festival of Technical Achievements "Technosreda21" - one of the brightest events in the framework of the Year of Science and Technology. The seminar participants discussed the role of science in the life of modern society, the development of Russian universities, measures to support scientists and the participation of business in the development of domestic science.

Associate Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Troshkov organized a virtual excursion into the world of scientific developments of the department and presented an exhibition of innovative projects of the student scientific and educational society "Digital Communications". This event contributed to attracting talented students to science, united scientists of the department and young people who were able to see scientific achievements with their own eyes. The prospects of Russian science opened up for young people, it became clear that with their intelligence and education they can make life more comfortable and change the world for the better.

Can science be interesting and how is it used in everyday life? The teachers of the Department of Information Systems and the students of the university had to answer this question. To this end, the teachers developed and conducted the "Entertaining Blockchain" intellectual game. The participants got acquainted with digital technology through simple real-life examples and came to the unanimous decision that this technology will have the greatest impact on development in various areas of the economy in the next 10 years! And this is not BigData, not social networks, not robotics, and not even Machine Learning. Now it is the blockchain that is a tool for creating a new Internet, and it has a huge potential for any business.

University students took part in all events, which will allow developing the interest of the student community in the implementation of their ideas, the development of scientific and technological projects and in science in general. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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