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Scientific and educational interactive lesson “Nobel laureates in the field of economics”


The Faculty of Accounting and Finance held a scientific and educational event “Nobel laureates in the field of economics”. The event was held at the Boiling Point of SSAU, and was timed to coincide with the Day of Russian Science. The students were told about the Nobel Prize, outstanding scientists and had a quiz.

During the event “Nobel Laureates in Economics”, the participants discussed the history of the establishment of the Nobel Prize, remembered the greatest economists who made the greatest contribution to the development of economic science, and the most significant achievements in the field of economics over the past 50 years.

Unlike other awards given at the ceremony, the Nobel Prize in Economics is not the legacy of Alfred Nobel. And it is officially called: “The Swedish National Bank Prize for Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel”. The prize was established by the Bank of Sweden in 1969 and is not funded from the legacy of Alfred Nobel. Therefore, the question of whether to consider this prize “true Nobel” is debatable. The winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics is announced on the second Monday in October. The awards ceremony takes place in Stockholm on 10 December each year.

After that, a quiz “Interesting facts about the Nobel Prize” was held, during which the participants learned a lot of new and entertaining things about Nobel laureates and their achievements. According to the results of the quiz, the Nobel team took the first place. The Nobel Prize is one of the most prestigious international prizes, awarded annually for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions, a major contribution to culture or the development of society. As of the end of 2021, the Nobel Prize in Economics has been awarded 53 times, with 89 academic economists awarded it. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  4

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