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The victory of the team of SSAU Faculty of Economics in the international marketing tournament


The final of the USkills-up Marketing Battle tournament, established by the Kazakhstan Marketing Association and Turan University, took place. The purpose of the tournament is to identify the potential and raise the professional level of students of universities and colleges. The tournament was held for those who want to apply the acquired knowledge and skills to solve practical problems in the field of marketing, as well as to advance the profession of a marketing specialist.

The students of the Faculty of Economics as part of the MarkeTerra team took part in the tournament:

- Godneva Ekaterina Andreevna, 1st year master’s student, program “Economic and legal support of business”;

- Chernova Yana Ruslanovna, 4th year bachelor's student, specialty “Economics”, profile “Economics of enterprises and organizations”;

- Kivalova Alisa Aleksandrovna, 4th year bachelor's student, specialty “Economics”, profile “World Economy”

The USkills-up Marketing Battle tournament was held in correspondence and online formats and included 2 rounds:

Preliminary absentee qualifying round based on the assessment of the presentation,

face-to-face round – “Tournament-Battle “Marketing Trends 2022”” (Stand Up Battle).

The second round was held through a face-to-face competition of the final participants in the interactive Stand Up Battle format, held in the Turan online mode.

Expert support of the competition was carried out by marketers, entrepreneurs, representatives of the Kazakhstan Association of Marketing and business structures.

6 teams competed in the finals of the USkills-up Marketing Battle tournament. Three teams were from Russia, two of which represented the Russian University of Economics. GV Plekhanov (Moscow), and three teams from Kazakhstan (Almaty).

The online event was held with the support of the Advanced Training Center. The teachers of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics took part in the preparation of the participants for the competition:

- Agalarova Ekaterina Grigoryevna, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor;

- Yulia Aleksandrovna Gunko, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

- Rybasova Yuliya Viktorovna, economic sciences, associate professor.

Participants were evaluated on a 100-point scale:

- oratorical data (the ability to interest the audience, make them listen, the ability to convince);

- culture of speech (diction, correctness, compliance with the rules)

- psychological characteristics (stress resistance), inner self-awareness, emotional presentation, firmness of voice, gesticulation.

The winner of the USkills-upMarketingBattle was unanimously recognized as the MarkeTerra team, which eventually scored the maximum amount of points.

According to the organizers of the USkills-up Marketing Battle, this tournament will be held on an annual basis and will be extended to a greater number of universities and colleges of the CIS member countries. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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