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University stage of the ASSK Futsal Championship


In the sports hall of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the university stage of the ASSK Futsal Championship was held. 12 teams took part in the competition. All teams were divided into 3 groups by lottery. For two days, the teams played in their group in a round robin system. The team that took first place in its group advanced to the final.

The final part took place in the sports hall of Stavropol State Agrarian University. Three teams played round-robin “with each other”.

In the final part of the Championship in the game “FC Galant” – “FC Caucasus” the only goal was scored by a student of the Accounting and Finance Faculty Ruslan Uzdenov. The final score of the meeting is 1-1.

The game “FC Galant” – “F.C.SANTOS” became the most intense and productive. In this match, students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education excelled, the authors of goals scored in the opponent's net were: Eduard Bagdasaryan, Denis Chernyshov, Alexei Bondarenko, Nikita Ivanov. The final score of the meeting is 4-1.

The places were distributed as follows:

1st place team “FC Galant” - Accounting and Finance Faculty, Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education;

2nd place “F.C.SANTOS” - Preparatory Faculty;

3rd place “FC Caucasus” - Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources. 

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