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Students visited the laboratory of veterinary medicine VNIIOK branch of FSBNU "North Caucasus FNAC"


With the aim of practical training for future zootechnics a practical training on the basis of the laboratory of veterinary medicine VNIIOK branch of FSBSI "North Caucasus FNAC" was held. During the class raised questions in the field of epizootology, the development of new methods of combating brucellosis, sap, tuberculosis, the invention of new vaccines against smallpox sheep, swine rust, swine fever, against sheep bradzot, against leptospirosis animals.

Class "The effectiveness of animal protection against infectious, non-infectious and parasitic diseases" held: Head of the Department of Biotechnology Faculty, Doctor of Biological Sciences Evgeny Nickolaevich Chernobay and chief researcher of the Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Kolesnikov.

Vladimir Ivanovich introduced students with the law "On Veterinary Medicine" of the Russian Federation, which regulates the organization of veterinary affairs in Russia, measures to protect animal health (and people from diseases transmitted to humans from animals), the rights and responsibilities of veterinary bodies and veterinary staff, the responsibilities of local authorities and the public to protect animals from diseases, and people from zoonoses. The Ministry of Agriculture issues rules and instructions regulating certain veterinary issues in furtherance of the Veterinary Statute.

Students visited the Veterinary Medicine Laboratory, where Elena Aleksandrovna Kits, senior researcher at the laboratory, told them why they needed to conduct biochemical tests on blood, feed and feces. Students asked a lot of questions, to which they received comprehensive answers. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.02.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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