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Round tables with students on patriotic topics


Round tables with students were held at the university on the topics “Patriotism as a source of Russian statehood”, “Objective knowledge about the Great Patriotic War is the main condition for countering the policy of falsifying the meaning of the Victory” and “The Great Patriotic War in the memory of generations”. The events were aimed at attracting the attention of the younger generation to historical events and personalities, the formation of patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland, an attentive and careful attitude to the history of Russia and the key events of the Great Patriotic War, through historical memory, which is passed down from generation to generation, through language and spatial and geographical representations.

More than 900 students of faculties were involved in the event: economic, accounting and financial, electric power, agricultural mechanization, socio-cultural service and tourism, secondary vocational education. The cycle of events was organized by the Department of Philosophy and History, the Department for Educational Work and Social Affairs and the Faculty Administration. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.03.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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