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Employees and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, who adequately represented the university at the “Woman of the Year” competition, were congratulated by the acting rector Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin


This year, six beautiful girls from SSAU became in the "Successful Youth" nomination.

Representatives of the Stavropol State Agrarian University annually participate in the popular city competition, which takes place on the eve of International Women's Day. This time, in the nomination "Successful Youth" for the title of "Woman of the Year", six employees and students of the university claimed. Despite their age, each of them has an impressive treasury of merits and achievements in the scientific, teaching, and public spheres.

Baranova Daria Yuryevna - 5th year student, member of the Russian Youth Union, the Association of Students and Student Associations of the Stavropol Territory. Daria is actively involved in social and volunteer activities, participates in city, regional and all-Russian events, closely cooperates with the Ministry of Education, the Department of Youth Policy of the Territory and the Committee of Culture and Youth Policy of Stavropol. In 2021, the activist implemented the military-patriotic project Back to the Past, won the SSAU Student of the Year competition in the Public Activist nomination. Awarded with certificates of honor and letters of thanks.

Agafonova Nelli Pavlovna - 3rd year post-graduate student, assistant of the Department of Accounting. Winner of the regional award in the field of science, innovation and initiatives "Award 2020", three-time winner of the title "Clever Man of the Stavropol Territory", winner of the competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Participant of incentive campaigns aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle, social decency (“We are against smoking”, “We are against alcohol”, “Let's say NO to drugs”, “We are for a healthy lifestyle”, “Healthy youth”). Nelli Pavlovna is the author of 65 published scientific and educational works. She is an active participant in the WorldSkills movement. Expert-compatriot of the V, IV university qualifying championship of professional skills according to the WorldSkills standards of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. And also a member of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the University.

Azarova Margarita Yurievna - 4th year post-graduate student. Excellent student, awarded the Gold Medal of the XV International Biotechnology Forum-Exhibition "ROSBIOTEKH-2021", winner of the competition for a grant from the Stavropol State Agrarian University in the field of science and innovation for young scientists. Margarita Yurievna is actively working in the field of scientific research. She has published 5 scientific articles from the VAK list, 7 in publications indexed by the Scopus and Web of Science databases, 13 articles and conference materials indexed by the RSCI, 38 textbooks, methodological and educational guidelines.

Smorodina Yana Sergeevna - 3rd year student of SSAU. Excellent student, personal scholarship holder of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, member of the Russian Youth Union, trade union of workers of the agro-industrial complex of Russia, Russian student teams. Yana Sergeevna - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Students of the Agricultural University. Participates in the organization and holding of university, city, regional and international events: "Student Spring of the BRICS and SCO Countries", All-Russian Festival of Designers and others. Successfully implemented the city military-patriotic quest "Back to the Past" for high school students. Captain of the women's volleyball team "KOLOS SSAU 2". He has many letters of thanks for the development of the volunteer movement, a great contribution to the development of the Faculty of Biotechnology and others.

Selivanova Maria Vladimirovna - Associate Professor, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Foodstuffs from Vegetable Raw Materials. Author of more than 150 scientific and methodical works in the field of agronomy. Maria Vladimirovna has 5 patents of the Russian Federation for inventions, 18 certificates for computer programs, 5 guidelines, 8 manuals and 3 monographs. He is the winner of the U.M.N.I.K. and START federal programs, a competition for the right to receive grants from the President of the Russian Federation for state support of young Russian scientists. For conscientious work, Maria Vladimirovna was awarded letters of thanks from the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as well as diplomas of various departments. Maria Vladimirovna gives a course of lectures and conducts practical classes in several disciplines at a high methodological level using modern information technologies. Over the past 3 years, it has trained 250 highly qualified specialists for the country's agro-industrial complex.

Khvorost Valeria Valerievna is a first-year undergraduate, winner of the SSAU student award "Student of the Year - 2021" in the nomination "Media Activist of the Year", winner of the regional stage of the national award "Student of the Year - 2021" in the nomination "Student Media of the Year". With the participation of Valeria Valerievna, youth and children's cultural events are held. Scholarship holder of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, Scholarship holder of the Academic Council of SSAU. Awarded with the medal "Glory and Pride of the University" for outstanding achievements in studies, research work and public life of the university; medal "Honorary Activist of the Stavropol State Agrarian University"; badge "For active work in the Russian Youth Union". Valeria was awarded the honorary title of laureate of the competition.

Acting Rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University Valentin Sergeyevich Skripkin heartily congratulated and thanked the charming contestants.

“You all deserve to be called the best today! Each of you deserves respect, admiration, gratitude for your courage, active leadership position, ability to achieve goals, to be on top! With all my heart I wish you to continue to confidently go through life, to be bright, extraordinary and truly happy! ”, - said Valentin Sergeevich, handing flowers and gifts to the girls. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.03.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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