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Extended meeting of the section of agricultural education and agricultural consulting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


In the format of video conferencing on the platform of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, an extended meeting of the section of agrarian education and agricultural consulting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia was held, which reviewed the reports of educational organizations of higher education and additional professional education subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, on the implementation of the thematic plan-task for the implementation of scientific and research work commissioned by the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia at the expense of the federal budget in 2021.

The meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council was opened by the Deputy Department of Education, Scientific and Technical Policy and the Fishery Complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia Elena Auzbievna Belkina. The meeting was attended by 20 agricultural universities and reported on the results of research work.

On behalf of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the head of the scientific and innovative training center, candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Sergei Nikolaevich Antonov, and responsible research workers:

– Head of the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, Anatomy and Pathology named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor Dilekova Olga Vladimirovna,

– Professor of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor Belugin Nikolai Vasilyevich,

– Head of the Department of Electricity Application in Agriculture, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Nikitenko Gennady Vladimirovich,

– Head of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Vegetable Raw Materials, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Romanenko Elena Semenovna,

– Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Graphics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Orlyansky Alexander Viktorovich,

– Associate Professor of the Department of Technical Service, Standardization and Metrology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor Pavlyuk Roman Vladimirovich.

The Department of Education, Scientific and Technical Policy and the Fishery Complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia adopted 6 topics of research work:

1. Using CRISPR/CAS genome editing methods to increase the productivity of farm animals. Stage III – study of the possibility of multilocus editing of the genome of farm animals.

2. Development of evidence-based recommendations in the framework of organic animal husbandry for the treatment of cows in small production enterprises with pathology of the reproductive organs and mammary gland.

3. Development of a design and recommendations for the use of an agro-robot to control weeds and pests of agricultural plants.

4. Comprehensive analysis and assessment of agro-climatic indicators of microzones of grape cultivation in the North Caucasus Federal District to obtain high-quality wine products with a protected geographical indication and a protected designation of origin.

5. Substantiation of the needs of agricultural organizations in equipment for the implementation of innovative technologies (using digital models of production processes).

6. Development of infrastructure solutions and determination of the effectiveness of the conversion of mobile agricultural machinery and stationary equipment to gas motor fuel. 

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