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Round table of scientists of the South of Russia


Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova took part in the Round Table of scientists of the South of Russia, held under the auspices of the Syngenta company. The meeting was held in the hero city of Novorossiysk.

Anna Valeryevna Gorobets, Director of the South Region of Syngenta, addressed the participants of the Round Table with a welcoming speech. She stressed that the event is being held for the 16th time and is of great importance for developing a strategy to increase the yield potential of winter cereals and to update phytosanitary risks in the region.

Sergey Vladimirovich Groshev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, spoke about economic challenges and risks in macro and microeconomics in the world and Russia, trends in wheat export and import to the Russian Federation.

Larisa Nikolaevna Khomitskaya, Head of the Plant Protection Department of the Branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Rosselkhoznadzor" in the Krasnodar Territory, Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Natalia Nikolaevna Glazunova, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "State Center for Agrochemical Rostovsky Services, Doctor of Biological Sciences Olga Georgievna Nazarenko and Head of the analytical laboratory of Rosagroservice Company, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Nikolay Grigorievich Gursky.

A new fungicide Miravis with the latest revolutionary molecule Adepidin was presented according to a zoom from Poland, Helge Sierotzky, head of the development department for disease control at Syngenta, the active substance Adepidi from a new subgroup of the chemical class of carboxamides, has a systemic-local effect.

A leading researcher of the Kurgan Research Institute of Agriculture, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Alyona Yuryevna Kekalo spoke about the possibility of crop management with the help of zoom growth regulators.

As part of the successful growth plan, Syngenta launched a new project dedicated to soil health issues, Syngenta Regulatory Support Manager, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Elena Aleksandrovna Sokolova in her speech focused on the functions of healthy soil.

The meeting ended with the adoption of a joint resolution, including recommendations for the care of winter wheat depending on the physiological state of crops, which can be found on the pages of the agrarian newspaper "Earth and Life", traditionally covering the work of the Round Table of scientists of the South of Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.03.2022
Номер новости для фото:  7

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