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Master class "Soft skills for employment: how to interest the employer?"


How to prove that you are worthy to become an employee of the company? Every profession involves interacting with people, whether they are colleagues or clients. Therefore, employers always pay attention to the degree of development of the applicant's communication skills, which contribute to successful communication, cooperation and effective management.

The master class organized by the Department of Finance, Credit and Insurance Business together with the financial consultant of Sovcombank Life JSC Stetsyuk Lyubov Petrovna is dedicated to soft skills necessary for successful employment in order to turn from a candidate for a position into a promising employee of the company. The speakers of the event were Zakhar Fedoseev, a teacher of the School of Public Speaking, Anastasia Kozyrenko, head of the agency for the promotion of goods and services online, and Vasily Deineka, a photographer, founder and teacher of the online school "Metarestart”, member of the Union of Photographers of the Russian Federation.

Developed soft skills help to easily cope with a stressful working environment and wisely manage the team to achieve the desired result, which is especially important when applying for a managerial position. The employer must be sure that the applicant has the qualities that will allow him to study and grow up the career ladder. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.03.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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