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Try yourself as an instructor in the program "Graduates to senior students"


The charity fund "Sistema" invites graduates to participate in the free mentoring program " Graduates to senior students ", which will be held from April 4 to December 15, 2022. It is held within the framework of the educational program "Lift to the Future" and will unite up to 250 best graduates, as well as about 1000 schoolchildren. In the program, the graduate will become an instructor for senior students who will soon enter a university or college. Online mentoring of project activities will begin in April.

In June, the participants of the program will be interviewed for internship positions in AFC companies with the prospect of employment. The selected graduates will go on internships in the summer of 2022 in the assets of AFC, which include MTS PJSC, Ozon, Segezha Group, Aeromax, Medsi Group of Companies JSC and others.

Since September, graduates will supervise school teams while working on real projects under the guidance of experts from Sistema AFC companies. The defense of projects and the awarding of the best mentors will take place in December, and this will end the program.

The main goal of the program is to help future university graduates with the start of a career, and to assist schoolchildren in career guidance and choosing a future university. Applications are accepted until April 3, 2021 on the website https://lift-bf.ru/nastavnik.

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