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The first stage of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia


The first stage of the All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia was held at the Boiling Point of SSAU as part of the implementation of initiatives to stimulate research activities and form a system for selecting, supporting and retaining young talented researchers of the research policy of the development program University "Agroinnopolis - 2030".

The All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia is held in order to attract a wider range of talented youth to scientific research in the field of agricultural sciences, to intensify the work of student scientific societies.

The competition is held under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation in conjunction with the non-profit organization "Association of educational institutions of the agro-industrial complex and fisheries".

Stages of the Competition:

The first stage - intra-university conferences are recommended to be held in each university until March 20.

The second stage - conferences in federal districts from 5 to 20 April.

The third stage - All-Russian conferences for each nomination must be held from May 10 to May 28.

In 2022, the Competition is held in 21 nominations:

for students

- Agronomy;

- Agrochemistry and agrosoil science;

- Land management and cadastres;

- Environmental management and water use;

- Gardening;

- Agroengineering;

- Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes;

- Management;

- Economy;

- Veterinary;

- Veterinary and sanitary examination;

- Zootechnics;

- Technology of processing agricultural products;

- Food production.

for graduate students and young scientists

- Agronomy;

- Electrical technologies, electrical equipment and power supply of the agro-industrial complex;

- Machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex;

- Economy;

- Veterinary;

- Zootechnics;

- Storage and processing of agricultural products.

The composition of the competition committee of the intra-university stage of the competition in the areas of "Management", "Economics":

- Kostyukova Elena Ivanovna - Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economics;

- Bannikova Natalya Vladimirovna - Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and World Economy, Doctor of Economics;

- Leshcheva Marina Genrikhovna - Head of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Doctor of Economics;

- Nazarenko Anton Vladimirovich - Head of the Department of Management and Management Technologies, Doctor of Economics;

- Uryadova Tatyana Nikolaevna - Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Candidate of Economic Sciences;

- Frolov Alexander Vitalievich - Deputy Dean of the Accounting and Finance Faculty for Research, Candidate of Economic Sciences.

The composition of the competitive commission of the intra-university stage of the competition in the areas of "Agronomy", "Agrochemistry and agrosoil science", "Land management and cadastres", "Environmental management and water use", "Gardening:

- Aisanov Timur Soltanovich - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources for Scientific Work, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences;

- Trubacheva Lyudmila Viktorovna - Associate Professor of the Basic Department of General Agriculture, Plant Growing, Breeding and Seed Production named after Professor F.I. Bobrysheva, candidate of agricultural sciences;

- Okrut Svetlana Vasilievna - Associate Professor of the Department of Ecology and Landscape Construction, Candidate of Biological Sciences;

- Melnik Marina Sergeevna - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre;

- Kasmynina Margarita Grigorievna - Assistant of the Department of Land Management and Cadastre.

The composition of the competition committee of the intra-university stage of the competition in the areas of "Agroengineering", "Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes", "Electrical technologies, electrical equipment and power supply of the agro-industrial complex", "Machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex":

- Antonov Sergey Nikolaevich - head of the scientific and innovative training center, candidate of technical sciences;

- Adoshev Andrey Ivanovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Power Supply and Operation of Electrical Equipment, Candidate of Technical Sciences;

- Marchenko Viktor Ivanovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Machines and Technologies of the Agroindustrial Complex, Candidate of Technical Sciences;

- Rubtsova Elena Ivanovna - Associate Professor of the Department of Physics, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

The composition of the competition committee of the intra-university stage of the competition in the areas of "Veterinary", "Veterinary and sanitary examination", "Zootechny", "Technology of processing of agricultural products":

- Epimakhova Elena Edugartovna - Professor of the Basic Department of Private Zootechnics, Selection and Breeding of Animals, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences;

- Dilekova Olga Vladimirovna - Head of the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Examination, Anatomy and Pathology named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky, Doctor of Biological Sciences;

- Sycheva Olga Vladimirovna - Head of the Department of Technology of Production and Processing of Agricultural Products, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences;

- Chervyakov Dmitry Eduardovich - – specialist in technology transfer of the scientific and innovative training center, candidate of veterinary sciences. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2022
Номер новости для фото:  8

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