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Creative meeting "Start with a word" with a famous poet


The meeting was held on the eve of Poetry Day. The meeting was prepared and held by the Stavropol Literary Center and the department for educational work and social issues of the university. Ekaterina Petrovna Poluminskaya - member of the Writers' Union of Russia, winner of the "White List" poetry competition on Russian radio, participant in the 1st and 2nd Forums of Young Writers of Russia in Moscow, Diploma winner of the All-Russian Competition - "Victor Rozov's Crystal Rose" Award, head of grant projects implemented in the Stavropol region in the field of culture, author of books of poetry and prose, compiler and editor of collective collections of poetry and prose.

The Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a creative meeting “Start with a Word” with a well-known poet, prose writer, translator, member of the regional branch of the Union of Writers of Russia and just with an interesting person - Ekaterina Polumiskova, a graduate of the economics department of our university.

The following guests took part in the meeting:

• Vladimir Ivanovich Sushchenko - Stavropol composer, performer of author's songs,

• Lyudmila Alexandrovna Salikhova - Senior assistant of the Investigation Department and the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Stavropol Territory,

• as well as students of Accounting and Finance, Economic Faculties and the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of the university.

It was not by chance that the creative meeting took place within the walls of the Agrarian University - this is the "alma mater" of the poetess, she is remembered and loved here. Poems by Ekaterina Polumiskova do not need additional design. They are imbued with extraordinary lyricism, musical, full of beauty and ease. And at the same time, her poems are deep, philosophical, filled with vital wisdom.

The students were deeply impressed by the songs to the poems of Ekaterina Petrovna and the music of Vladimir Ivanovich dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, the city of Stavropol and the Stavropol Territory. Students were especially delighted with the poems dedicated to children.

Students listened to Ekaterina Pavlovna with genuine interest and attention, asked questions about creativity, and at the end of the meeting expressed their desire to join the creative club of the poetess. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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