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Faculty of secondary vocational education of SSAU - the winner of the federal project "Professionality"


Professionalism is one of the stages of the ongoing restructuring of the system of secondary vocational education. According to Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister of Russia, the new program is based on three main innovations. The first is the involvement in the education of students of colleges and technical schools of representatives of professional communities, “acting market players”, who will also become investors in the education system. The second is the reduction of training time with an increase in its intensity. And the third is the creation of various centers of youth initiatives in educational institutions.

On March 25, the results of the competition for grants in the form of subsidies from the federal budget for the provision of state support for the development of educational and production centers (clusters) were announced as part of the federal project "Professionality" of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of Education".

100 applications were submitted for the competition. Based on the results of the competitive examination, 70 winning clusters were identified, including 5 applications representing clusters initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The "Professionality" project is aimed at creating a new flexible model for training qualified personnel in the vocational education system in accordance with the current needs of the real sector of the economy. Specialists will be trained on the basis of educational and production centers (clusters).

It should be noted that the application of the educational and production center of agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, created on the basis of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, entered the top twenty winners with a score of 37.50 points, and this is the best indicator among the centers presented by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

The Educational and Production Center for Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory is an incubator for the training of qualified and practice-oriented mid-level specialists in the agricultural sector of the region as part of the technological modernization of the agro-industrial complex of the Stavropol Territory, who have professional competencies and are able to carry out professional activities at a competitive level. Taking into account the needs of the regional labor market, the Center will implement educational programs in the most popular specialties in 2022: 02.35.05 Agronomy, 02.35.16 Operation and repair of agricultural machinery and equipment, 02/36/01 Veterinary medicine, 02.36.02 Zootechnics. In 2023-2024, it is planned to increase the number of implemented educational programs and specialties by attracting new participants to the cluster, both educational organizations implementing programs of secondary vocational education in an agricultural profile, and organizations operating in the real sector of the economy of the agricultural industry of the Stavropol Territory. The Center is the leading organization responsible for networking with employers and organizations implementing secondary vocational education programs in the region.

The main task facing the center today is to form not only professional, but also corporate competencies among graduates. By June 2022, their models will be developed, as well as standard training schemes at enterprises, exemplary educational programs, guidelines and advanced training programs for representatives of educational organizations. On the basis of the generated materials, unique practice-oriented educational programs will be created together with employers-industrial partners of the project. 

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