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Economic game "Economy and us" for students of the faculty of secondary vocational education


As part of the study of the discipline "Economics", in order to implement a competent approach to teaching, to form an interest in an in-depth study of the discipline, to use the ability to apply knowledge in solving practical problems, the teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education conducted an economic game "Economics and we".

The organizer and moderator of the game was Yulia Sergeevna Aleksandrova, teacher of the FSF. Two teams of 1st year students of the specialties "Finance" and "Banking" took part in the interactive lesson.

The knowledge of students was evaluated by a competent jury:

· Yuliya Sergeevna Aleksandrova – teacher of financial and economic disciplines at the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education.

· Elena Grigorievna Shipunova - specialist in educational and methodological work of the faculty of secondary vocational education.

· Marina Viktorovna Korshikova – candidate of economic sciences, lecturer in the economic unit of the faculty of secondary vocational education.

· Violetta Aleksandrovna Filippova – teacher of informatics at the faculty of secondary vocational education.

According to the results of the game, the team of students of the specialty "Finance" of group 21F-9-1 scored the most points. 

Дата новости для фото:  01.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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