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Meeting of students of SSAU with the UN Ambassador


Svetlana Khisamutdinova — World Ambassador, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Master of Sports, corresponding member of the International Academy of Ecology and Nature Management, member of the Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team, 4-time winner of the 24-hour race in Basel (Switzerland), 2-time winner of the 1300-mile ultramarathon in New York and poet.

At Stavropol State Agrarian University, students of different courses and faculties were able to get acquainted with the world–famous runner, world ambassador and incredible woman - Svetlana Khisanmutdinova. The main motto of her life is self–overcoming. She sings, writes poetry and shares wisdom with others to convey to everyone "Peace begins in the heart of every person!"

Students were able to ask interesting questions, get into the story of Svetlana's life, learn about her achievements and hear amazing stories about the races, one of which lasted 19 days.

The meeting was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere with a demonstration of valuable achievements. Svetlana shared her own experience and example of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

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