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Foresight "Digital transformation of the branches of the economy of the North Caucasus Federal District"


Scientists and students of the Faculty of Economics continued to discuss options for the possible future of economic sectors of the North Caucasus Federal District with the strategic partner of the university LLC "INFOCOM-S". The meetings are held as part of the implementation of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority 2030". The INFOCOM-S company occupies one of the leading positions in the IT market of the region, developing information systems and technologies in modern business.

The event was opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina. In her speech, she pointed out that in the spectrum of ongoing international events, the contours of the consequences of unprecedented Western sanctions against our country are gradually and reasonably emerging and what socio-economic consequences they may have for economic sectors, including our region. According to her, it is obvious that tangible changes will be in the essence of the processes planned and adopted for implementation in order to ensure the digital transformation of the branches of the economy of the North Caucasus Federal District. Olga Nikolaevna drew the attention of the audience to the increasing role of universities and scientific organizations in them.

The event was organized by the acting Head of the Department of Information Systems, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Anna Nikolaevna Ermakova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems Svetlana Viktorovna Bogdanova, General Director of INFOCOM-S LLC, Doctor of Technical Sciences Vladimir Vyacheslavovich Kopytov.

Students of the information areas of training of our university, associate Professor of the Department of Information Systems Valery E. Rachkov, project manager of INFOCOM-S LLC Olga Zakharina, project manager Dmitry Solomonov, analyst Anastasia Karachevtseva, leading programmer Vladislav Bozhev, senior programmer Alexey Dementiev took an active part in the discussion of the issues of the stated topic.

Anna Nikolaevna continued the speech of the Dean of the Faculty of Economics, voicing the main provisions of the decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin prohibiting the use of foreign software. This most controversial issue became the leibmotif of the discussion of the technology of working with images of the future of the economy of the North Caucasus Federal District.

Svetlana Viktorovna admitted that all the leaders of the Western IT sphere left Russia temporarily (for a long time or forever – time will tell): Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Intel, Cisco and others. It is positive that their departure will definitely not be a tragedy, but it can bring inconvenience. However, the termination of licenses can create difficulties for both state institutions and business structures.

There are several exits. Valery Evgenievich illustrated the positive effect of using free software, whose interfaces have long been adapted to satisfy former Windows users, and applications, with rare exceptions, are well adapted to work with Microsoft content. And here even no exceptions from the legislation will be required.

But, undoubtedly, colleagues from INFOCOM-S LLC suggested the best way out — to fill in the gaps with Russian technologies as quickly as possible, implementing technological conversion in the field of microelectronics and software.

The foresight participants unanimously agreed that Western sanctions in the IT sphere, although they will bring certain inconveniences, will not be catastrophic. But they will accelerate the processes of import substitution in the field of technology, the further transition of the economy to the mobilization-digital rails. What is happening should be the first step towards a very right path – to give an unthinkable chance and impetus for Russian higher education and the regional economy until recently. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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