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Mr. and Miss Art Pros 2022


The annual contest of intelligence, sports and creativity "Art-Pro 2022" was traditionally held at Stavropol State Agrarian University. This year, 30 boys and girls competed for the titles, college students of the region are the winners of the qualifying stages in their educational institutions. The contestants had to pass 4 competitive tests: a public speaking contest, a creative contest and two fashion shows, where the participants demonstrated evening dresses and images of their future professions to the jury members.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented by students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education Alexander Golovinov and Polina Tishina.

The students of the SSAU conquered the jury with creative performances: Alexander performed a Russian folk dance, and Polina performed a fascinating dance in modern choreography for the audience.

The Misters and Miss were judged by the jury members:

· Vladimir Kayvanov - Director of the Center for Youth Projects of the Stavropol Territory;

· Vladimir Avakian - Deputy Head of the Culture and Youth Policy Committee of the Stavropol City Administration;

· Sofya Osipova - Federal coach of the Association of Trainers of the Russian Youth Union, coordinator of the central program of the Russian Youth Union "RSM Team" in the Stavropol Territory;

· Ivan Maklakov - director of city, regional and All-Russian events, honorary worker of the sphere of youth policy of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of culture of the Stavropol Territory, head of the Center for aesthetic education of students of SSAU;

· Irina Karagodina – ex-project manager, ex-Deputy Chairman of the Council of Students of SSAU;

· Sergey Nogin - Chairman of the Association of Students and Student Associations of Russia in the Stavropol Territory;

· Andrey Semenov - Mr. "Art-pro" 2021, NCFU student, tick-toker millionaire.

Absolutely every contestant won the hearts of the audience in his own way, showing his talents. The seats were distributed as follows:

1st Vice-Miss "Art-Pro 2022" – Polina Olefirova;

1st Vice-Mr. "Art-Pro 2022" - Lazar Vavilov;

2nd Vice-Miss "Art-Pro 2022" - Alexandra Slashcheva;

2nd Vice-Mr. "Art-Pro 2022" - Muhammad Chotchaev.

"People's Miss Art-Pro 2022" — Alexandra Slashcheva;

"People's Mr. Art-Pro 2022" — Artem Fomenko;

"Miss RSM Art-Pro 2022" — Alina Penkova;

"Mr. RSM Art-Pro 2022" — Dmitry Starykh;

"Miss ASO Art-Pro 2022" — Diana Asryan;

"Mr. ASO Art-Pro 2022" — Alexander Golovinov,

and the main titles of "Miss Art-Pro 2022" and "Mr. Art-Pro 2022" were won by Milena Gorbik and Alexey Svetlishnikov.

The participants and winners were welcomed by the acting Rector of SSAU, Professor Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin. He noted the high level of training of all participants and invited students to continue their studies at the highest level at the agrarian university. 

Дата новости для фото:  05.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  13

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