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A historical booklet was dedicated to the fate of Stavropol SAU during the Great Patriotic War


At the initiative of the Rector's office of Stavropol State Agrarian University, scientists of the Department of Philosophy and History compiled a booklet about the activities of the SSAU during the Great Patriotic War and the reconstruction period "1941-1945. He persevered. Blown up and burned. And he continued on his way, to spite the devastation." The work was carried out in preparation for the International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany.

The scientific work presents the names of students, teachers and university staff, who died during the Great Patriotic War, who will forever remain in the memory of future generations. Here, under a separate heading "Protected, restored and multiplied", personal photos of veterans, participants and home front workers are presented. Their contribution to the Great Victory is priceless forever and ever!

The information booklet is intended to form a sense of patriotism, love for the history of the Fatherland, which is relevant in the youth multi-confessional student environment. Knowledge of the history of the Fatherland and the native land contributes to the understanding of today's domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Federation. 

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