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Students took part in the conference "The problem of the relationship between the older and younger generation in modern Russian society"


The conference "The problem of the relationship between the older and younger generation in modern Russian society" was held at the Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University, where the problems of preserving the most important ideological and spiritual values of society and transferring them to each next generation, which are one of the most pressing problems of our time, were considered. They attract attention and cause heated discussions both among teachers of humanities – philosophy, history, cultural studies, law, and among students of the university.

During the conference, the problems of the relationship between the youth and the older generation, which has always been. However, in each specific period of time, the content of this problem had a concrete historical character and formed its own social norms of relations between generations.

The present time demands from the younger generation the formation of a new type of personality corresponding to the conditions of the modern world.

The problem of mutual understanding between the older generation and the youth will never get out of itself, because the culture on which one generation was brought up will not be diametrically opposite, but it will seem different and partly incomprehensible to another generation. The new generations act on the basis of the results inherited from all previous generations, but the attitude to this inheritance is very selective. They accept and develop in it only that without which their own further existence and development are impossible, and deny that, from their point of view, is already outdated and has lost all meaning. Therefore, we should talk not only about the conflict, but also about the continuity of generations.

The participants discussed the issues of humanitarization of Russian education, which could become the most important mechanism for restoring the continuity of generations, preserving and developing the cultural heritage of our common Russian multi-ethnic nation. The continuity of culture in education is not a blind copying and not a complete restoration of the past. We need to search for and introduce into the educational process everything that contributes to the development of creative abilities of young people, their successful entry into a dynamically developing society. On the basis of this, it is also possible to establish contacts with representatives of the older generation.

Alexey Gorbachev and Natalia Stavitskaya, 3rd year students of the Faculty of Electric Power Engineering; Alyona Velikzarova, Naida Sultanbekova and Inna Ishchenko, 1st year students of the Faculty of Economics, made presentations at the event. The discussion was actively attended by students of the Faculties of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture, Electric Power and Economics faculties, as well as teachers of the Department of Public and Municipal Administration and Law (Oksana Viktorovna Zhdanova and Vladimir Yuryevich Maksimov). Honored Cultural Worker, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and History Vladimir Ismailovich Kurchev shared his thoughts and ideas with the youth from the older generation.

The conference "The problem of the relationship between the older and younger generation in modern Russian society" was organized on the initiative of 1st-year students of the Faculty of Economics, the direction of training "State and Municipal Administration" and the staff of the Department of Philosophy and History (Sergey Petrovich Zolotarev, Olga Nikolaevna Shmatko). 

Дата новости для фото:  06.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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