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The training of teachers and staff of the university under the program "Practice of using VR software Concept"


Stavropol State Agrarian University has completed a full-time training module for teachers and university staff under the advanced training program "The practice of using VR software Concept". The training was conducted within the framework of the implementation of the University development program for 2021-2030 "Agroinopolis - 2030" and the implementation of the strategic academic leadership program "Priority-2030".

The educational course "The practice of using VR Concept software" is a joint project of VR Concept LLC in cooperation with Moscow Pedagogical State University.

The purpose of the course is the formation of competencies in the field of modern digital environment, combining virtual reality technologies with the educational process. During the course, students gain a broad understanding of VR technology and its capabilities using the solution offered by the VR Concept program.

VR Concept is an effective learning tool in addition to existing techniques thanks to the fast and easy visualization of the CAD model in any VR systems for teamwork. Virtual reality training provides:

- obtaining real skills — effective working out of the acquired knowledge in practice without risk to equipment and life;

- involvement in the educational process — the speed of assimilation of the material is up to 10 times faster;

- collective and distance learning;

- memorability up to 90%.

The teachers of our university have mastered the necessary layer of knowledge and skills of working in VR Concept, thus gaining the opportunity to use VR in the educational process.

In the future, the knowledge gained on working with VR tools for teaching students will not only allow them to immerse themselves in a virtual environment and work out certain skills, but also reduce the time for studying educational materials by 2.5 times. For example, when working with agricultural machinery, university students will be able to master the maintenance of equipment on VR simulators, learn how to work with it, pass testing of the level of technical knowledge and actions in case of emergency situations or equipment failure.

The course speaker Denis Zakharkin is an expert in the VR market for more than 15 years. Founder and CEO of VR Concept. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  3

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