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Interfaculty competitions "Fun starts"


On the day of the World Health Day, inter-faculty friendly competitions "Fun Starts" were held in the sports complex of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The tournament was organized and held on the initiative of the Department of Educational Work of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education.

7 teams took part in the sports event:

• "Lightning" (Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education);

• "Penguins" (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture);

• "Tesla" (Faculty of Electric Power Engineering);

• "Engineers" (Faculty of Engineering and Technology);

• "204 Street" (Faculty of Biotechnology and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine);

• "UFFSHKI" (Accounting and Finance Faculty);

• "Economy" (Faculty of Economics).

Of the guests of honor at the competition were present:

•Gavrilova Oksana Sergeevna - Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor;

• Gunko Tatiana Ivanovna - Head of the Department for Educational Work and Social Issues, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;

• Nogin Sergey Romanovich - Chairman of the primary trade union organization of students of SSAU;

• Maxim Igorevich Karagichev - Chairman of the student sports club of the SSAU "KOLOS".

The competition was opened by Oksana Sergeevna Gavrilova, wishing all participants victory and fair wrestling.

The 10-time absolute Champion of the Stavropol Territory, 4-time Champion of the North Caucasus Federal District dance group show project "Vector" performed a welcome number for the participants of the competition.

The participants were waiting for a fun test:

• The "Greeting" contest;

• Relay race "Obstacle Course";

• Relay race "With fitball";

• Relay "Combined".

Following the results of the mass sports event "Fun Starts", collective nominations were established:

- the Lightning team (Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education) was awarded for speed;

- for creativity - "Penguins" (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture);

- for friendliness - "Tesla" (Faculty of Electric Power Engineering);

- for endurance - "Engineers" (Faculty of Engineering and Technology);

- for dexterity - "204 Street" (Faculty of Biotechnology and Faculty of Veterinary Medicine);

- for organization - "UFFSHKI" (Accounting and Finance Faculty);

- for the will to win - "Economy" (Faculty of Economics).

According to the results of the sports event , the prizes were distributed as follows:

• 3rd place - the "Economy" team (Faculty of Economics);

• 2nd place - "Engineers" (Faculty of Engineering and Technology);

• 2nd place - "Penguins" (Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture);

• 1st place - "Lightning" (Faculty of secondary vocational education).

All teams were awarded with diplomas and diplomas, as well as sweet prizes.

The participants of the "Fun Starts" received a lot of positive emotions. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  16

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