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Grand opening of the competition "Pedagogical debut-2022"


The Pedagogical Debut competition is a platform for developing professional skills of young teachers. Organizer of the competition is the faculty of secondary vocational education of Stavropol State Agrarian University. The solemn opening ceremony of the second professional competition "Pedagogical Debut-2022" as part of the implementation of the strategic project of the program "Agroinnopolis - 2030" was held at the Boiling Point of SSAU.

Honored guests attended the event:

- Gavrilova Oksana Sergeevna - Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor;

- Lisova Olga Mikhailovna - Director of the Institute of Additional Professional Education, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor;

- Tunina Nelli Aleksandrovna - head of the department for organization and control of the educational process, candidate of legal sciences;

- Fedisko Olga Nikolaevna - head of the department for independent assessment of the quality of education, candidate of pedagogical sciences;

- Levushkina Svetlana Vladimirovna - chairman of the educational and methodological council of Stavropol State Agrarian University, candidate of legal sciences, associate professor;

- Gunko Tatyana Ivanovna - head of the department for educational work and social issues, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor;

- Vysochkina Lyubov Igorevna - Chairman of the Educational and Methodological Commission of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;

- Soboleva Lyudmila Ivanovna - head of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

- Kulanina Yulia Alexandrovna - acting head of the department for educational work of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

- Eshchenko Yulia Alekseevna - head of industrial practice, teacher of the highest qualification category of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education.

On the day of the grand opening of the competition, young teachers presented their first task - a business card "Me and my profession." Self-presentation showed that all the contestants are creative, inspired, active and surprisingly charming teachers.

All participants will have to go through three more competitive stages:

- Video lecture,

- Open class

- Curator's hour.

Based on the results of all tasks, the jury will determine the winner and laureates of the Pedagogical Debut 2022, which will be honored on April 27, 2022 at the closing ceremony of the competition.

9 young professionals will compete for the title of the best teacher:

1. Bukin Maxim Sergeevich - teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

2. Gashina Elena Alekseevna - teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

3. Zinchenko Dmitry Alekseevich - teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

4. Kuznetsova Anna Andreevna - Assistant of the Department of Tourism and Service;

5. Levchenko Nikita Andreevich - teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

6. Onishchenko Olga Nikolaevna - assistant of the basic department of private zootechnics, selection and breeding of animals;

7. Rubanova Tatyana Sergeevna - teacher of the educational and methodological department of the faculty of secondary vocational education;

8. Khomutova Anna Vladimirovna - Assistant of the Department of Chemistry and Plant Protection;

9. Chervyakov Dmitry Eduardovich - Assistant of the Department of Parasitology and Veterinary Sanitary Expertise, Anatomy and Pathoanatomy named after Professor S.N. Nikolsky. 

Дата новости для фото:  12.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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