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Stavropol State Agrarian University won a grant from the Ministry of Education and Science for the development of scientific student communities


292 applications were submitted for the competition, 244 contestants passed the primary selection according to formal criteria, and 40 winning universities have already been selected from them, which will receive a total of 10 grants of 5 million rubles, 10 grants of 3 million rubles and 20 grants of 1 million rubles. Stavropol State Agrarian University was included in the group with funding of 3 million rubles.

The total amount allocated for the development of student science is 100 million rubles. Of the universities subordinate to the Ministry of Agriculture, the list of winners included Stavropol State Agrarian University (3 million rubles) and the RSAU-MAA named after K. A. Timiryazev (5 million rubles).

The grant of the Ministry of Education and Science can be spent on organizing and holding events, academic mobility, additional education of members of the association and popularization of science.

Today, Stavropol State Agrarian University is one of the leading scientific centers in the North Caucasus. The university supports the undertakings of students, their ideas and developments.

As part of the implementation of grant funds, SSAU will carry out a large scientific work: Agroinnopolis of Stavropol: youth ideas for the Foodnet market.

The goal of the project is to create conditions for the involvement of young people in research and project activities in the FoodNet market segments and the popularization of agricultural science through the 1st All-Russian Student Congress “Youth Ideas for the Development of the FoodNet Market”.

Project objectives:

- research track - research and development of technologies by youth research groups in the following areas: "Digital Agriculture", "Biologized and Organic Agriculture", "Automation and Robotization", "Biotechnology", "Personalized and Special Nutrition";

- project track - holding an educational project intensive and a pre-acceleration program in the areas of the project for students of Stavropol State Agrarian University, organizing an exhibition of the best projects within the framework of the I All-Russian Student Congress “Youth Ideas for the Development of the Foodnet Market”;

- educational track - holding the "School of a Young Scientist" and "School of a Young Innovator", organizing internships for Student Scientific Society participants in leading scientific centers of Russia, holding a set of master classes, open lectures, round tables, demonstration sites within the framework of the I All-Russian Student Congress "Ideas of Youth – for the development of the Foodnet market;

- popularization track - holding a complex of popular science events within the framework of the I All-Russian Student Congress "Youth Ideas - for the Development of the Foodnet Market", establishing and developing cooperation between Student Scientific Society youth organizations in the region and Russia; implementation of a set of educational, outreach and information and analytical activities in the FoodNet market segments aimed at increasing the share of students involved in the agenda of the National Technology Initiative (NTI). 

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