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Student Volunteers Help Animal Shelter


Volunteer team “Flame” of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education visited the animal shelter “Best Friend”. The students brought treats for the shelter’s pets, and then walked the dogs in the Taman forest, giving them a piece of affection and warmth, which homeless animals lack so much.

For students, this was not the first experience of volunteering. It is important to find time for good deeds - to help those who need it, the most innocent and defenseless creatures - animals.

The participants of the action brought with them food and medicines, as well as bandages, diapers, toys, leashes and muzzles.

The children walked with pleasure, played with the dogs and, of course, gave the animals affection and attention, which four-legged people really need.

It is noteworthy that this is not the first time SSAU students visit the Best Friend shelter with a volunteer trip. Ahead of the guys is further participation in charity events, which they all willingly support. 

Дата новости для фото:  19.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  8

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