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An event dedicated to the Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held for SSAU students


On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, the museum of the history of Stavropol State Agrarian University began conducting excursions “SSAU during the Great Patriotic War”.

The first to attend the event were students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture, as well as teachers of the department of philosophy and history.

Olga Nikolaevna Shmatko, head of the museum of the history of the university, told the youth that the Great Patriotic War was a severe test for the inhabitants of the Stavropol Territory. 320 thousand Stavropol residents were drafted into the army, more than 120 thousand soldiers of the Red Army returned home from the fronts. The inhabitants of Stavropol had to re-create a peaceful life.

The consequences of the enemy occupation (August 1942 - January 1943) and hostilities for the region were severe. The population during the war years in the Stavropol region decreased by 288 thousand people. In the Stavropol Territory, 1200 buildings for industrial purposes, 46 power plants were destroyed and destroyed. In rural areas, the invaders burned and destroyed 6,200 residential buildings, more than 9,000 livestock buildings, and 2,700 granaries. In the city of Stavropol, 229 buildings were burned and destroyed, including an agricultural institute, hospitals, a maternity hospital, schools and kindergartens.

Despite all the difficulties, our region gradually coped with the devastation. The liquidation of the consequences of the occupation began already in 1943. The economy of Stavropol was gradually reviving: agriculture was being restored, new power plants were being built, water channels were being created, virgin lands were being developed, new gas and oil fields were being developed, and industrial enterprises were being built. Cultural and sports life also resumed. All this became possible thanks to the heroic work and enthusiasm of the post-war generation of people who created the basis for the country's prosperity.

“The feat of the generation of winners will forever remain one of the brightest and dearest pages of Russian history to the heart of every Russian. The lessons of wartime, the memory of the heroes and victims of those terrible events - what you need to talk about with students so that the younger generation appreciates peace on Earth and makes every effort to preserve it,” said Sergei Petrovich Zolotarev, professor of the Department of Philosophy and History, in the conclusion of the excursion.

Students from other faculties can also visit the tour. 

Дата новости для фото:  20.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  14

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