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Master class “Trading in our life”


Everyone strives for financial independence, while not everyone has the start-up capital to start their own business. But what if you want to earn more? Trading is a good option. How can trading change your life? What can give you a job on the stock exchange? How does trading change a person?

As part of the work of the Investor School of the Accounting and Finance Faculty, the intricacies of trading were told to students by the director of Finam-Stavropol Lyubov Butaliy at the master class “Trading in our life”.

The event was attended by students of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance profile “Accounting, analysis and audit”, as well as representatives of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources and socio-cultural service and tourism.

Lyubov Mikhailovna spoke about the peculiarities of exchange trading, how the process of trading on the exchange is carried out, and also shared her own secrets of successful investment. After all, it is very important not only to know how securities and currency trading is organized, but also how not to lose your own savings and increase them.

The first secret of a successful trader is the diversification of the investment portfolio. Diversification is a strategy for managing risk when investing in the stock exchange. Risk for an investor is a situation in which he either does not receive the expected return on his investments, or loses part of these investments themselves, because the exchange price of his assets has fallen. Diversification helps to reduce such risks due to the fact that the investor does not invest in any one asset, but collects a portfolio of many different exchange instruments that have little to do with each other. Then, even if one of the investor's securities falls in price, others are likely to grow - and the yield on them will eventually cover the losses incurred.

The second secret is discipline. Lyubov Mikhailovna noted that regardless of the current events on the stock exchange, it is important to strictly follow the previously developed investment strategy and not deviate from the plan.

And finally, the third secret of a successful trader is risk control. When speculating or investing in the stock market, risk control is, first of all, tight control by a trader of his open positions, regardless of his trading style and the time horizon for holding these positions. Tight control means understanding at what predetermined price levels unprofitable positions will be closed and profitable positions will continue to be held. Those. the only thing that a trader can control is the losses received when the price of an exchange instrument on an open transaction goes against him.

All participants of the event had a unique opportunity during the master class to feel like an Internet trader. All students were given access to the trading platform through the Finam mobile application with access to a demo account in the amount of 400 thousand rubles. Students with great interest made various operations on the stock exchange. At the end of the event, students were able to ask all their questions to the speaker. 

Дата новости для фото:  22.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  1

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