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Panel discussion “Sustainable development of rural areas” was held


At the regional platform of the IV Moscow Academic Economic Forum (MAEF-2022) “Russia: Challenges of the Global Transformation of the 21st Century” at Stavropol State Agrarian University, a panel discussion “Sustainable Development of Rural Territories” was held as part of the implementation of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program “Priority 2030” and 87th scientific-practical conference “Agrarian science - to the North Caucasian Federal District”.

The participants of the meeting were welcomed by the Acting Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, Professor Valentin Sergeyevich Skripkin. Priority tasks for the sustainable development of rural areas of the North Caucasus Federal District were identified.

Aleksey Nikolaevich Bobryshev, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Doctor of Economics, Professor, addressed the participants of the conference.

A welcoming speech was made by a member of the Consortium of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program “Priority 2030”, Vice-Rector for Research, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokova Rustam Zaurbievich Abdulkhalikov, candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor.

The head of the department for the integrated development of rural areas of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, Natalia Mikhailovna Stupakova, took part in the discussion.

The plenary session was moderated by Olga Nikolaevna Kusakina, Dean of the Faculty of Economics, Head of the Department of Economic Theory, Marketing and Agroeconomics, Doctor of Economics, Professor.

Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of a digital profile of rural areas as a condition for information and analytical support for the activities of authorities at various levels was presented by Sergei Ivanovich Lugovskoy, Researcher at the Department for the Study of Rural Development Problems Institute of Agrarian Research, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Ph.D. ., Associate Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law, Stavropol State Agrarian University.

Safarby Mukhamedovich Pshikhachev, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Economics, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokova, in his report, considered the potential of the agrarian economy of Russia in the context of sanctions.

Igor Yuryevich Sklyarov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Stavropol State Agrarian University, continued to consider the problem of increasing the efficiency of the functioning of the agrarian sector of the Russian economy under sanctions.

Lyubov Ivanovna Samoylenko, Senior Training Manager of the South-West Bank of Sberbank, spoke about the trends of the future

The problems of rural healthcare are a priority for the development of rural areas in modern conditions, as evidenced by the results of a study by Olga Alexandrovna Voropinova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy and Humanities, Stavropol State Medical University.

In addition, the presentations of Igor Vladimirovich Gruzkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Economic Theory and Economics of the AIC - “Digital Transformation of the Professional Structure of the Labor Market: Trends and Prospects” and Irina Dmitrievna Shakhramanyan, Assistant of the Department of Tourism and Service of the Stavropol State Agrarian University - “Rural tourism development on the territory of the Russian Federation”.

The considered aspects of the sustainable development of rural areas are the contribution of agricultural economists to the implementation of the problems of the regional platform of the IV Moscow Academic Economic Forum (MAEF-2022) “Russia: Challenges of the Global Transformation of the 21st Century”, which brings together leading scientists and experts from Russia and the world, foreign specialists, young researchers, representatives of the federal legislative and executive authorities of the Russian Federation, administrations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, representatives of the Russian educational community, business circles, international and Russian public organizations.

The topics of the panel discussion correspond to the activities of the Interregional Resource Center for the Development of Rural and Specially Protected Ecological Resort Territories of the Stavropol Territory and the North Caucasus Federal District. The considered problems will be further developed in the works of scientists of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and members of the consortium implementing strategic projects of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program “Priority 2030”. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  15

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