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"Agricultural Science to the North Caucasus Federal District" - meeting of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education


Students and teachers of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education took part in the annual scientific-practical conference 'Agrarian Science to the North Caucasian Federal District'. The conference began with a plenary session entitled 'Training mid-level professionals for the agricultural sector, taking into account the requirements of the labour market in the North Caucasus Federal District'.

The plenary session was opened by Oksana Sergeevna Gavrilova, Dean of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education, Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

Presentations were made by:

- Elena Menkina, teacher of Educational-Methodological Department, Ph.D. in Agricultural Sciences, with the report: "Influence of no-till technology on the activity of microorganisms transforming nitrogen compounds in common chernozem of the Central Caucasus;

- Semenova Fatima Kazbekovna, Senior Lecturer, Ph.D. in Economics, entitled "Relevance of the concept of practice-oriented professional education taking into account the needs of the labor market agrarian sector of the Stavropol region;

- Margarita Frantseva, tutor of Educational-Methodological Department, Ph.D. in Psychology, with the report on "Innovative technologies in teaching foreign language in STE system in terms of preparing competitive specialist of agricultural sector in the labor market.

At the end of the plenary conference continued in the sub-section "Modern methods and innovative technologies in the preparation of qualified specialists of the middle level", in which lecturers presented:

- Bezina Julia Andreevna, teacher of the educational and methodological department, with a report on "Application of interactive methods of training in the specialty" Land and property relations;

- Irina Chichagova, teacher of Educational and Methodological Department, postgraduate student, with a report on "Application of project method in educational institutions of secondary vocational education";

- Bezborodova Daria Valerievna, teacher of the first qualification category, with the report on the theme: "Formation of language competence as the basis of quality of professional training of qualified specialists of an average link";

- Anna Vladimirovna Loshakova, teacher of education and methodology department, with a report on: "Practice-oriented training of specialists of an average link in "Land and property relations";

- Kuzina Natalia Nikolaevna, teacher of Educational and Methodological Department with the report: "Improvement of quality of preparation of specialists of an average link through increase of professional competence of the teacher on programming".

Students of first, second and third year of SVE faculty took part in conference sub-section "Perspective directions of agro-science development":

- Pashkov Maxim, a student of group 21 ISIP-9-1 (supervisor - Mashentseva G., teacher of the highest qualification category), with the report "Modelling in agriculture;

- Victoria Kobzeva, student of group 20Agr-9-2 (supervisor - E. Menkina, teacher of the highest qualification category).

Menkina E., teacher of Educational-methodological department, candidate of agricultural sciences), with the report "Studying the effectiveness of growth regulators on potatoes;

- Arina Vanyan, student of group 21B-9-1 (supervisor - Irina Chichagova, teacher of Educational-methodological department, postgraduate student), with the report "Echinococcosis - a dangerous disease of animals and humans;

- Veronica Sukhareva, student of group 21AGR 9-2 (supervisor - Solomonova A.

Solomonova V.A., teacher of the first qualification category), with the report "Micropropagation of plants in domestic conditions";

- Zhanna Golovanova, student of group 21B-9-1 (supervisor - E. Zaitseva, teacher of educational-methodical department), with the report "Application of derivatives in agriculture";

- Ekaterina Nelyubova, student of group 20 GD 9-2 (supervisor - Zaitseva E.

Skorochkina A.V., teacher of the highest qualification category), with the report "Increase of tourist flow as one of the conditions of agribusiness development in Stavropol Territory".

Дата новости для фото:  28.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  6

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