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Tax Marathon at the Faculty of Accounting and Finance


At Stavropol State Agrarian University as part of the first stage of the tax marathon a meeting was held between employees of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the North Caucasus and students of the Accounting and Finance Faculty. "Tax Marathon - 2022" is a practice-oriented expert discussion on topical issues of taxation and audit. During the three days, together with specialists from the tax service, students considered the main trends of tax policy in Russia, electronic services and mobile applications of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, proposed effective approaches to tax planning, relevant in the era of digitalization and global tax changes".

The marathon was organized by the staff of the Department of Economic Analysis and Audit, Professors Sklyarov Igor Yuryevich, Leshcheva Marina Genrikhovna, Associate Professors Bezdolnaya Tatiana Yuryevna, Neshchadimova Tatiana Alexandrovna, Nesterenko Alexei Viktorovich.

Tax Marathon was opened by the Dean of Accounting and Finance Faculty, Professor Elena Kostyukova, who noted the importance of these meetings for the students with the strategic partners of the Faculty, experts and practitioners of the Russian tax law.

About the current electronic services of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, their functionality and advantages told the chief specialist-expert of the department of work with taxpayers of the department Evgeniya Agarkova. "There are more than 60 services for different categories of taxpayers on the website of the department.

Dmitry Iltinsky, Head of Control Department No. 2 of the Department told about the recently demanded mobile applications of the Federal Tax Service "Check Check" and the Personal office of self-employed taxpayer NPD (professional income tax) "My Tax".

Students listened with interest about the app, which allows not only to check the validity of the check, but also to receive and store cash receipts electronically, to report a violation and participate in the promotions of operators. "To check it, it is necessary to scan a QR code from the receipt and send a request to the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

In conclusion of the meeting, the speakers noted that one of the main tasks facing the tax authorities is still to ensure high standards of service provision in electronic form, which will reduce the time spent by taxpayers and make the interaction with the tax authorities as convenient and comfortable as possible.  

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  18

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