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StSAU Scientific Regiment


Author: Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Philosophy and History Department, Head of the University History Museum Olga Nikolayevna Shmatko.

The life of Ivan Stefanovich is an example of selfless and conscientious work for the benefit of Stavropol Territory. On his shoulders fell the defense of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War, the restoration of the national economy in the postwar period, active educational work with young people, including students of Stavropol State Agrarian University. It is difficult to overestimate the contribution of Ivan Stephanovich to the cultural, scientific and public life of our region.

Stephan Antonovich and Alexandra Ivanovna Trukhachev had six children in the family. Everyone started to work as adults since childhood. And Ivan's first job at the collective farm was as a water carrier in the cotton field during school vacations. He was then in the third grade. Later he mastered the wisdom of grain-growing in the reaping and sowing. And in 1941 his father and two older sons went to the front. It was already his third war, from which he returned when he reached Koenigsberg. But before that, the war came to their home as well. On August 7, 1942, the Germans entered the village. Fortunately for many, not for long. In January 1944 it was Ivan Stefanovich's turn to become a soldier. To a place of destination the military echelon carried recruits 36 days. That place was Bamburovo station in the Far East. He started to fight in Manchuria, finished in North Korea. And then I served till the spring of 1950.

After service, of course, his heart ached to go home. But the Komsomol gave yesterday's soldiers permits to the huge new construction projects of those postwar years, as well as plants and factories. So he got to the city of Stalinsk, now Novokuznetsk. At mine "Redakovo-Yuzhnaya" he started as a skidder, then a miner. In two years he grew up to a foreman of a high-speed sinking of komsomol-youth brigade. A year later the fame of Ivan Trukhachev's brigade thundered all over Kuzbass. And there was a reason for it... Planned targets miners performed at 160 - 179%, passed per month under the ground for 160 meters with a plan of only 90. And the average wage here was also a record - six thousand rubles. In 1955, he wrote the first newspaper article about his team. And after the shift, having risen to the surface from a depth of 300 meters, he went to the working youth school.

He received secondary education at the age of 29, and at the time he was rightly considered one of the most experienced and honored miners' foremen. After that, he surprised his superiors when he applied to the History Department of the Pedagogical Institute. Many were surprised, because not without reason, believed that in front of a young and already honored miner lay a straight road to the mining Institute, and from there in the major leaders of the coal industry. Well, what good would a teacher's diploma do? The rector of the Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Institute even invited him for a talk. The rector of the Siberian Mining and Metallurgical Institute even invited him to a conversation. But he still went to study at the Pedagogical Institute. He graduated by correspondence. Then he worked as a director of a coal mine and deputy secretary of the party committee at his mine.

He returned to his native land when 13 years of mining experience seriously affected his health. He came to his native town Ipatovo as a father of three sons together with his wife Alexandra Stephanovna. She was hired as a teacher of chemistry in the local school, he - in the district committee of the CPSU. Then Ivan Stepanovich headed the Ipatovsky district committee of the trade union of workers of agriculture and procurement, and up to his pension he worked in the regional committee of the trade union of workers of agricultural sector.

However, peace, pension and well-deserved retirement are not for people like him. Many people in our region know him as the longtime and permanent head of the Stavropol Regional Branch of the All-Russian Society of Sobriety and Health. This public work of his began when after the abolition of the famous "anti-alcohol" decree wine and vodka began to be sold literally on every corner and to everyone indiscriminately, when even schoolchildren became "fashionable" to drink beer at recesses and discos. For example, after Trukhachev's lectures on the dangers of tobacco use, students at one of the faculties of Stavropol State Agrarian University voted to ban smoking on the premises of their educational institutions. This rule has been in effect at the university for a very long time and is still in effect today.

Now it is difficult to count how many newspaper articles and interviews he has prepared, how many talks and lectures he has given at schools and work collectives on the subject of "to drink or not to drink?" By the way, he never smoked a single cigarette or drank a single shot of booze in his life. The unique person. Such in our country - on the fingers to count. And how many people he saved from the "green herb"! There are thousands of them. He took those who were at the last line to the narcological clinic. And he didn't get any money for it - that's what public work is.

Ivan Stefanovich was awarded with many military and labor awards: Order of Great Patriotic war of the II degree, 18 medals, he was conferred the rank of the Honored worker of culture.

The blessed memory of the wonderful man - Ivan Stefanovich Trukhachev - will always live in our hearts.

Дата новости для фото:  29.04.2022
Номер новости для фото:  11

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