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At the school, students together with members of the military sports club "Rassvet" held an action "Let's remember the victory together"


On the basis of the educational and experimental farm, students of the faculties of agrobiology and land resources, ecology and landscape architecture, together with members of the military sports club "Rassvet", held an action "Let's remember the victory together", dedicated to the celebration.

77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. At the beginning of the action, the participants organized a labor landing and, by common efforts, removed the training garden on the territory of the experimental station and planted seedlings of fruit trees in honor of the fallen soldiers during the war years.

The second part of the action consisted of a military-sports quest game, where students tested their knowledge in the field of history and first aid, competed in disassembling/assembling a model of a Kalashnikov assault rifle. After active and hard work, a "Field Kitchen" was organized, where everyone could taste real soldier's porridge and smoky tea.

Subsequent generations should honor those who gave them life, and there is no nobler mission than the preservation of historical memory in the name of a brighter future. 

Дата новости для фото:  04.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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