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The students of the Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering created the "Wall of Memory" - "We Remember - We are Proud!"


At the Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering, in preparation for the celebration of the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory, students created a "Wall of Memory" - "We Remember - We are Proud!" Dedicated to their great-grandfathers and close relatives who made a huge contribution to the common cause of the Victory: on the battlefield, at factory machines , in hospitals, scientific laboratories, on field camps, in partisan detachments - everywhere - where they held their front, the enemy was defeated.

Students tried to find as much information as possible from different sources - and they succeeded. Each death of a participant in a victorious war is an irreparable loss that painfully resonates in our hearts. We remember and honor all those who, not sparing themselves, went into battle in the name of saving our Great Motherland.

The students supported this initiative with a sense of pride, and we, the older generation, are confident that they will be worthy successors of the patriotic traditions of the heroic defenders of our Fatherland, capable of becoming a reliable replacement. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  23

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