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Scientific Regiment SSAU


Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

"Scientific Regiment" is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.

The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!

Authors: Kenina D.S., Kalashnikova E.A.


Ставрополье – гордость наша,

Наш родной, любимый край!

Нет земли милей и краше.

Веселей, гармонь, играй!

Хлебных нив, степей раздолье –

Все здесь радует наш глаз.

Всем богато Ставрополье –

Есть и хлеб, и нефть, и газ,

Есть и фауна, и флора

И курорты есть у нас.

Есть леса, сады и горы.

Край- ворота на Кавказ.

Главное богатство – люди,

Благ творцы и мастера.

Край родной лелеют, любят

Ради мира и добра.

Все в цехах, в гуртах, отарах,

В поле создают свой рай.

А поют как, пляшут с жаром!

Веселей, гармонь, играй!

Живи и здравствуй край чудесный,

Земли российский уголок!

Ты – наша жизнь, мечта и песня,

Любви нетленный огонек!

Very soon, Russia will celebrate the 77th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet troops over Nazi Germany. Our soldiers bravely defended every corner of the country during the Great Patriotic War. Stavropol is also famous for its heroes. One of these heroes was Belozerov Petr Alekseevich.

Pyotr Alekseevich Belozerov was born on May 31, 1924 in the village of Nadezhda into a peasant family. After graduating from the first year of the Pyatigorsk Pedagogical College named after Ipatovo in 1938, Pyotr Alekseevich was forced to leave his studies and go to work on a collective farm as a clerk, driver, cattleman, trailer, accountant of the company and brigade and accountant of the collective farm.

In 1940, a year before the war crossed the border of the Soviet Union, Pyotr Alekseevich Belozerov lay paralyzed with rheumatism for six months. The young man was drawn to a military school, but for health reasons he was refused. There was also another reason. Father Peter Alekseevich was recognized as an "enemy of the people" for a false denunciation, after which he was shot. This biographical fact was also the reason for the refusal. However, soon the young body of Peter Alekseevich coped with the disease, which allowed him to go to work on a collective farm, and then go to the front.

Later, Peter Alekseevich still managed to enter the military infantry school. The young man was eager to fight, and he was transferred to the training brigade, and then to the front. Belozerov participated in the liberation of Ukrainian cities such as Kharkov, Dneprodzerzhinsk, Pavlograd and Krivoy Rog. During the war, Belozerov received light wounds three times, and was also shell-shocked. However, he was soon overtaken by a serious wound, due to which he had to leave the front. After being treated in the hospital, the soldier again went to work on the collective farm.

After the war, Belozerov Petr Alekseevich was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, medals "For Courage", "For Victory over Germany" and others.

At the age of 36, he entered the full-time department of the zootechnical faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University and graduated with honors and until 1991 taught at the Faculty of Economics. Also, in the postwar period, Peter Alekseevich seriously engaged in amateur literary work. Poems, essays and articles were published in Stavropolskaya Pravda, Molodoy Leninets, in the almanac Stavropol, but basically everything was published in the large-circulation newspaper For Agricultural Personnel.

In 2004, with the support of the Rector of the University, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Vladimir Ivanovich Trukhachev, a book by Pyotr Alekseevich Belozerov "In Memory", dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory, was published.

His lines about the war will not leave anyone indifferent


О, жизнь – каскад мгновений чудных, и суета, и бурелом

Как в мирной жизни нам ни трудно, а мы с надеждою живем

Что будет жить нам легче, лучше, и станут явью все мечты,

Что хватит всем благополучья, труда, добра и красоты!

Когда ж от бомб, ракет, снарядов горят и небо и земля,

Когда с тобою гибнут рядом родные, близкие друзья;

Когда все то, что мы воздвигли, война сжигает без следа,

Мы понимаем: мир постигла большая, страшная беда.

Пронзает сердце боль сквозная, и нет покоя от нее.

Кто пережил войну, тот знает все беды, ужасы ее.

Разруха, море слез и крови, безвинным жертвам несть числа

И сколько жизней и любовей война с собою унесла?

Blessed memory of Peter Alekseevich. Blessed memory of the heroes of our Fatherland. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  19

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