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A solemn rally dedicated to the 77th anniversary of the Great Victory took place in the Stavropol State Agrarian University


Veterans of war and labor, children of war, teachers, staff and students gathered at the memorial in the courtyard of the university.

The solemn rally was opened by the Acting Rector of the University, Professor Valentin Sergeevich Skripkin.

“Dear veterans, home front workers, distinguished guests, students and teachers! Today we recall what an invaluable contribution to the Victory was made in those distant years by students, teachers and employees of our university - at that time an agricultural institute. The largest military hospital was located in the building of the main building, where our students provided assistance to wounded soldiers. The building was subjected to numerous bombings, and red traces of conflagrations still remain on the walls. In January 1943, students and staff went out to restore their native institute and city, the educational process resumed at the university ...

Many thanks to the generation of winners for the fact that we are working peacefully today, achieving results, and making plans for the future. And, of course, we cherish the memory of those who are no longer with us today. A low bow to all those who went through the war and defended our Motherland. Happy holiday! Happy Victory Day!”

According to tradition, the legendary banner of the Stavropol State Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Agrarian University was solemnly brought to the rally by excellent students: the personal scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation, student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Alexei Gudkov, student of the Faculty of Economics Alina Rovzenko and student of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources Tamara Krivoshta.

The Banner of Victory was entrusted to bring in the personal scholarship of the Governor of the Stavropol Territory, a student of the Faculty of Economics Anton Ermoshkin and students of the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture Polina Bychikhina and Tatyana Makukhina.

Alexey Pavlovich Karabut, chairman of the regional council of the Stavropol regional public organization of veterans of war, labor, armed forces and law enforcement agencies, chairman of the Council of Elders under the chairman of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, addressed the audience with a solemn speech.

“77 years ago, the Nazis and their satellites were defeated, and then 22 states fought against us. Today is a similar situation. And the same fate will befall the current fascist regime and those who help it. Their memory was too short. But many countries would cease to exist if it were not for the feat of the Soviet people ... Stavropol Territory sent more than 320 thousand soldiers to the front of the Great Patriotic War. More than half of them did not return from the battlefields. Our sacred duty is to remember, to know, to honor the memory of heroes. Happy Great Victory Day!”

A welcoming speech was also made by a veteran of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, an Afghan, a former military commissar of the region, retired Major General Valentin Vasilievich Maryin, a veteran of the Russian Armed Forces, a member of the Presidium of the Council of Veterans of the Leninsky District of Stavropol, a retired lieutenant colonel Evgeny Ivanovich Sereda.

A moment of silence was declared in memory of those who died in the terrible war. Then the rally participants solemnly laid flowers at the memorial stele.

By tradition, after the rally, veterans were invited to a festive dinner in honor of Victory Day - "Front Light". The feast and front-line 100 grams were accompanied by congratulations and performances by creative student groups and vocalists. 

Дата новости для фото:  06.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  16

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