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Today, May 14, 2022, Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaychenko, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, an outstanding person, a true supporter of agricultural education, science and labor, turned 100 years old.


The staff and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University cordially congratulate Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko on a wonderful holiday - his 100th birthday! Warm and joyful memories, sincere love and care of relatives, great respect and well-being, kindness of soul and happiness, true health and excellent health!

The same age as the Soviet Union

An amazing person, a tireless worker, a talented teacher, scientist, writer, publicist - the pride and heritage of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, who made a huge contribution to the training of farmers, the improvement of agricultural machinery and production processes in the agro-industrial complex of Stavropol and the whole country - Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko was born in 1922 - in the year of the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Before his eyes, the NEP, collectivization, industrialization, the formation and development of the Soviet state took place. From childhood, the boy absorbed all the hardships of the life of the peasants. Nikolai's father was the head of a rural party organization, and people went to his house in an endless stream with sorrows and troubles, for help and advice. The family also endured repression. The father was unfairly repressed, then rehabilitated. And ahead was the most difficult test - the Great Patriotic War.

War and love

In 1940, Nikolai Vladimirovich was called up for military service, which he took part in the automobile troops near the city of Lvov. In the army he was appointed Komsomol organizer of the company, since at school he was the editor of a wall newspaper, he drew well, wrote poems and stories, and played in a drama circle. But no sooner had the recruits mastered military training than the war began. “We retreated, snarling, hooked either on the Dnieper or on the Donets: the bitterness of defeat ate our fill,” Nikolai Vladimirovich recalls of that time. In 1943, he was trained at the Rostov Artillery School and was sent to the Karelian, and then to the Far Eastern Front, where he took part in the war with Japan, and after that - in providing international military assistance to the Chinese Red Army. He was a driver, mechanic, gunner. Under shelling, he delivered valuable ammunition and food, and at night, being a Komsomol organizer of the unit, he composed and designed battle sheets ... He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, medals "For the victory over Germany", "For the defense of the Soviet Arctic", "For Japan” and other orders and medals. “He did not perform heroic deeds. A simple “cog” (as the “democrats” of the 90s of the twentieth century called us) ... I am proud that I was a “cog”, like all the other “cogs” of the invincible Red Army, who together accomplished the Great Victory, ”- wrote a veteran in the "Jubilee Confession" on the 100th anniversary of his birth. There are literally two words about wartime in "Confession". Nikolai Vladimirovich paid much more attention to this period in his earlier memoirs. A front-line soldier, whose youth was spent in the Great Patriotic War, writes about soldiers' everyday life with humor and ingenuity. “1943, the hungriest year in my life... At the slightest chance, they started talking only about food: “Otse I wake up early, and makitra varenykiv is on the table.” With thoughts of dumplings, we started and ended every day. Waking up at night, except for dumplings, they couldn’t even think about anything else. And dreams about dumplings were perceived as a holiday ... ... Winter. Refrigerator. Frost. Snowflake. We were dressed in ordinary overcoats. There was such an anecdote about her, overcoats: “In winter, an overcoat is warm clothing, since it is cloth. And in the summer it’s not hot, because it’s not on cotton wool. ” Oh, how we wanted her, dear overcoat, to be on cotton wool! But the central place in the narrative is occupied not by the hardships and dangers of war, but by the piercing story of youthful love.

Time of peaceful labor

Finally, the war died down, and Nikolai Vladimirovich set about peaceful, creative work with great zeal. After graduating with honors from the Azovo-Chernomorsk Agricultural Institute, he taught at the Melitopol Institute of Agriculture, where he received a Ph.D. Then, for 33 years, he trained future farmers at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the Stavropol Agrarian State University. This is how one of his students writes about Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko - the chairman of ZAO SHP "Rus" of the Budyonnovsky district of Stavropol, a graduate of our university Viktor Fedorovich Ponomarenko. “He was an extraordinary teacher. It was important for him that the student not only memorize the content of the material, but understand the essence of the process. He taught to reflect, to think and even to foresee these or those phenomena. In his youth, he had to work as a mechanic, tractor driver, combine driver, driver, auto mechanic, and chief engineer of a state farm. Knowledge of the real working conditions of rural machine operators undoubtedly played an important role in his development as a teacher. Nikolai Vladimirovich developed a system of methodological aids for all the agricultural machines studied. He taught both full-time and part-time students, participated in the advanced training of farm managers, engineers and agronomists - there are his students in every village. Nikolai Vladimirovich participated in the creation and implementation of the Ipatovsky method of harvesting grain, in testing and improving the hulling and arable equipment of "Altayselmash". He was one of the pioneers in the formation and development of student production teams in the Stavropol Territory. He devoted the most significant scientific research to the prevention of grain losses during the harvesting of bread. Every year he took part in regional seminars before the harvest right in the fields. When Nikolai Vladimirovich appeared at the grain harvest, grain losses disappeared, and the productivity of combines increased one and a half to two times. He is an extraordinary person, giving his all to the cause, without a trace. More than once, Nikolai Vladimirovich was asked the question: “Why do you need this?” Duty! He considers it the main landmark of his life. To fulfill his duty, while living on planet Earth, he devoted himself to selfless service to the cause and tried to do good to people as much as possible. In one of our conversations, he admitted that God had destined him that way,” recalls Viktor Fedorovich Ponomarenko.

Didn't drink, didn't smoke and... didn't rest

And here is a story about the working life of Nikolai Vladimirovich himself: “They say that a man must build a house in his life. I built two of them. Still need to plant a tree. Planted over 200. It is supposed to give birth and raise children - my son has his own business, my daughter is an associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences, followed, so to speak, in the footsteps of her father. My work - I hoped to redo it all. Did not work out. Moreover, the more he worked, the greater the sequence of the following cases became in the queue. All the time I tried not to walk, but to run. Where? Only forward. In his youth, he went through all the steps of peasant life - he was a mechanic, and a tractor driver, and a combine driver, and the chief engineer of a state farm. This experience helped me quickly adapt to an agricultural university: I constantly compared the content of the institute's programs with real needs, and often found a significant discrepancy between them. In such cases, he corrected his teaching activities. My father was a Bolshevik, a professional party worker. I am non-partisan. No, this is not farsightedness, but a principled position: by nature, I am not very “controllable”. He always tried to think and act as he saw fit, without regard to party canons. This is what sometimes helped me out. In 1961, while working in Ukraine at the Melitopol Institute of Agricultural Mechanization, I spoke out against Khrushchev's "cornification" of the entire country, which was then considered the line of the party and government. The only thing that saved me from Magadan or a psychiatric hospital was that I turned out to be a non-party member, and the secretary of the then Zaporizhzhya Regional Committee of the Party, Scriabin, was a true patriot. I arrived in Stavropol in 1965 at the height of the separate harvesting of grain, when the Stavropol residents "taught" the whole country the mind-reason. Realizing that this campaign brings huge losses, he immediately joined the fight against the dominance of the advertised cleaning method. He met with the leadership of the regional department of agriculture, "Krayselkhoztechnika", the regional committee of the party and proved to them that the separate method of harvesting grain is not "the most advanced and progressive." On the contrary, it is appropriate only for negligent owners. He published articles on this topic in the republican press. Reason won out in the end. There is my share in this. Participated in the development of the Ipatov method of harvesting with the help of harvesting and transport complexes, the Krasnogvardeisky experiment on the creation of MHP, as well as in testing and improving soil-cultivating equipment manufactured by the Altayselmash plant. Yes, he considered assistance to production one of his main tasks. Even at the time of the formation of student production teams, he developed methodological manuals for them. For many years he was the chief judge of the regional competition of young plowmen. According to the regulation I developed, all-Russian competitions were held, in the judging of which I also participated. He also judged adult plowmen, was the head coach of the Russian team. I think that my hobby turned out to be useful as well - working on a personal plot, where I constantly experiment: I tested more than a hundred varieties of apple trees, over fifty varieties of pear, a huge number of gladioli, and many other crops. I tried to farm according to scientific canons, using the recommendations of the lunar sowing calendar, it did not work: following them, you can sow only two days a month. Something is wrong here. I had to completely study the science - astrology, on the basis of which it was possible to develop "Agrarian Astrology". It is with these recommendations that I introduce the residents of the region through the media.

Scientifically? "Only" associate professor, candidate of technical sciences. On the defense of the candidate was paralyzed, was on the verge of death. It was then that I made a vow to myself ... I decided that the main thing is not what scientific “epaulettes” you wear, but what you are capable of and what benefits you bring to people. He really began to engage in journalism back in Melitopol. My first article in our region was published in Stavropolskaya Pravda in June 1965. It was about the shortcomings in the harvesting of grain in the Izobilnensky district. For many years he collaborated with the magazine "Agriculture of Russia". And yet, for more than thirty years, my main love has been and remains Stavropolskaya Pravda. He published more articles here than in all other newspapers combined. And the subject matter was quite varied. I paid special attention to the technology and mechanization of plowing, sowing, and harvesting. He has written numerous reference books and pamphlets on these issues. How to avoid wastage of grain at the harvest is not only my main research topic, but also a lifelong pain. After all, what happens? In practice, my scientific developments, in addition to eliminating these losses, make it possible to increase the productivity of combine harvesters by one and a half to two times, extend their technical life, significantly reduce harvesting time, and drastically reduce fuel consumption. But it is bitter and insulting that now they are not used to the proper extent. ...I never smoked. Didn't drink. And I checked it myself: the best rest is a change of occupation. The main thing is to combine mental labor with physical labor ... " “I worked with pleasure and even with pleasure. I looked around... How fast time flies! It's already the 100th anniversary... Appreciated - satisfied. Plans for the future are big…” the veteran wrote in his “Anniversary Confession for the 100th Anniversary of Birth”. The staff and students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University cordially congratulate Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko on a wonderful holiday - his 100th birthday! Warm and joyful memories, sincere love and care of relatives, great respect and well-being, kindness of soul and happiness, true health and excellent health! 

Дата новости для фото:  14.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  2

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