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Scientific regiment of SSAU


Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

«The Scientific Regiment is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.

The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!

Authors: Lutsuk S.N., Tolokonnikov V.P., Dyachenko Yu.V., Chervyakov D.E.

Sergei Nikolaevich Nikolsky was born on September 14, 1903 in the village of. Monaenko Tula region. Sergey Nikolayevich devoted his whole long and bright life to scientific activity. He began to engage in scientific research in his student years, studying at the Leningrad Veterinary Institute, from which he graduated with honors in 1928. Sergei Nikolayevich made his first steps in science under the guidance of Professor V. Ya. Yakimov, the founder of Russian protozoology. The further life of S. N. Nikolsky was connected with Stavropol. Here, since 1929, he worked as an assistant at the North Caucasian Protozoological Research Institute of the People's Commissariat for Health (NKZ) of the RSFSR in Pyatigorsk, and then as deputy director of the Stavropol Regional Veterinary Experimental Station.

In solving any scientific problem, S. N. Nikolsky proceeded from the understanding of the need for complex scientific research. During this period, he studies in detail the epizootology of hemosporidiosis, biology, ecology, phenology of carriers, develops a system of measures to combat them based on testing the effectiveness of new drugs and developing modern methods for their use. The result of the scientific activity of this stage of the life path of Sergei Nikolayevich was the system he developed for the prevention of piroplasmidosis, which was introduced throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union, which led to a significant reduction in the population of ticks - carriers of piroplasmids. In 1938, Sergei Nikolaevich defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of veterinary sciences on the topic "Piroplasmosis in cattle of the North Caucasus."

In 1939, S. N. Nikolsky was drafted into the Red Army, where he served as head of the veterinary service of a special battalion of the 12th Army, and then as an epizootologist of the Southern Front.

From 1944 to 1947, Sergei Nikolayevich worked as deputy director (for scientific work) of the Stavropol Regional Veterinary Experimental Station in Pyatigorsk.

In 1947, S. N. Nikolsky was elected to the post of head of the Department of Parasitology of the Stavropol Agricultural Institute and worked in this capacity until 1982.

In 1949, Sergei Nikolaevich defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Sciences on the topic "Methods for the elimination of hemosporidiosis in cattle in the North Caucasus."

In 1958, for outstanding achievements in the field of veterinary sciences, Sergei Nikolayevich was awarded the title of Honored Scientist of the RSFSR.

For outstanding services in the field of veterinary science and many years of conscientious work, S. N. Nikolsky was awarded the high awards of the Motherland: the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War II degree, the Red Banner of Labor, seven medals of the USSR, the Big Gold Medal of VDNKh, many valuable gifts, diplomas, diplomas.

Since 2003, by the decision of the Academic Council of October 07 of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the department was named after S.N. Nikolsky (order No. 121 of December 03, 2003), the same order established a scholarship named after him for the best student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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