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Scientific regiment of SSAU


Stavropol State Agrarian University has joined the All-Russian campaign "Scientific Regiment", which is carried out by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

"Scientific Regiment" is a series of publications about students and teachers, about scientists who, during the years of the Great Patriotic War, brought the Victory closer with their military and labor feat.

The main goal of the project is the patriotic education of young people and the preservation of the memory of the Great Victory. Thousands of students, teachers, workers and employees of institutes volunteered to go to the front. Their memory must live on!

He is one of those who won the war and gave us peace

Among the many teachers who have connected their lives with the Stavropol State Agrarian University, the unique personality of Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko, who represents the pride of our university, stands apart. May 14, 2022 he will be 100 years old! A huge life included not only 34 years of teaching work of a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor of the department of agricultural machinery at the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization of the SSAU, but also a long front road on the verge of life and death in the Great Patriotic War, in the war with Japan, and in participation in international military assistance to the Chinese Red Army.

We would like to present to your attention at least a small fragment of his long fighting and courageous life.

The school played an important role in the military biography of Nikolai Vladimirovich Bugaichenko. A representative of the district military registration and enlistment office approached him, a tenth grader, an excellent student, in order to persuade him to enter a military school. He did not accept this offer, but the description given to him by the director of the school, who noted in the tenth grader Nikolai Bugaichenko, literacy, the ability to compose poetry, eloquence, which is especially manifested at Komsomol meetings, played a role during military service in the 162nd rifle division, when, after taking the oath on November 7 1940, he was elected Komsomol organizer of the company. And this public Komsomol order followed him along all front-line roads of the future. The abilities noted by the director of the school helped him during the war to correctly and colorfully draw up battle sheets, red corners and Lenin's rooms, and, most importantly, to raise the spirit of soldiers to feats of arms.

During the retreat during the hostilities, he was a private in the household platoon. In the Dnepropetrovsk region, the economic platoon was sent to Krivoy Rog for food. The platoon was equipped with horses and carts, representing horse-drawn military carts for transporting goods. At the head was a platoon leader, recently appointed, with two dice in his buttonholes, who did not even introduce himself to his platoon, and nothing was known about him. But soldiers are soldiers and are obliged to obey their commander. The platoon, on his orders, received food at the Krivoy Rog military base. But the battalion was no longer in its original place, since it was urgently relocated somewhere in connection with the retreat of the Red Army. In the evening we settled down in the yard of some peasant, who for the second half of the night was appointed orderly. Everyone rested in the hayloft. By morning, a rocket shot up into the sky, fired as if nearby. And after that, the territory began to be shelled by the Germans. For some reason, the commander of the economic platoon was not there. And Nikolai Bugaichenko had a suspicion that this missile was fired by their traitor commander. He, as a Komsomol organizer of the company, raised his soldiers, quickly harnessed the horses to their britches, and on the way to the east they soon reached the Dnieper.

On the banks of the Dnieper, refugees turned out to be visibly invisible. Since the Germans bombed the bridge in Dnepropetrovsk, and damaged the dam in Zaporozhye, the only place where it was possible to cross to the left bank of the Dnieper was the ferry crossing in Nikopol. At the crossing, a corridor was organized for military units, but the economic platoon was in a crowd of refugees, it was impossible to get to the ferry. The Komsomol organizer, as the eldest among the soldiers of the platoon, had to make a decision. This place was familiar to him, since he had once been with his father at this crossing. His father, being a party worker of the Krivoy Rog district party committee, often took him with him on his trips to the villages and farms of the region. The economic platoon ended up where the fishing collective farm was located, which supplied the Krivoy Rog region with fish. Nicholas decided to ask the fishermen to take them across the Dnieper. After a meeting with the chairman of the collective farm, whom he knew, permission was given for the crossing of the farm platoon across the Dnieper. The soldiers dismantled the carts, loaded them onto the ferry and ended up on the left bank of the Dnieper before them. Swimming to the shore, they saw that on the right bank of the Dnieper, the Junkers were bombing civilians who were fleeing in different directions. They quickly knocked together the carts again and moved east. And at the same time they heard how the Junkers entered the second round of the bombardment. It is terrible to even remember the fate of the refugees who accumulated on the right bank of the Dnieper, most of whom died under the merciless attacks of German aircraft.

After the war, Nikolai Vladimirovich was in Nikopol and wanted to know the fate of those refugees who fell under the bombing. But none of the Nikopol residents with whom he met could remember anything specific. Most likely only a few survived.

In 1942, during the retreat, the battery of the 7th separate howitzer regiment was located on the steep bank of one river. The reconnaissance group was located higher, from where the road was visible. Telephone operators led a telephone cable from the battery to the reconnaissance group. Here it should be clarified that the reconnaissance group is not those who went for the "language" at night, but those who controlled the fire of their batteries. Nikolai Bugaichenko was ordered to deliver the package and hand it over to the commander of the howitzer regiment.

In that period until 1943, subordination in military ranks had not yet been introduced in the Red Army. He reached the reconnaissance group at the same time as the telephone operators. And at that moment a column of German tanks appeared in the distance. The regimental commander immediately transmitted by telephone the corrective data of his battery for firing one gun. The result is a flight to the left. Repeated command - short flight on the left. And the tanks were coming. Sweat appeared on the commander's face from excitement. At that moment, Private Nikolai Bugaichenko involuntarily burst out with corrective data for subsequent shots from 152 mm howitzer cannons. Usually, with the second shot, the gunners tried to take the target into the transverse “fork”, that is, put the shells “right-left”. But here there was only a fork "flight - short flight". And even in such conditions, an experienced soldier had the necessary corrective data that was necessary to defeat the tanks approaching them. And he involuntarily said them aloud. The commander gave this information to the gunners. And the front tank was hit, and the next volley of guns hit several more tanks. As a result, the column of fascist tanks was forced to turn around and retreat. The commander of the 7th separate howitzer regiment sincerely thanked Private Nikolai Bugaichenko for his competence and resourcefulness, which helped repulse the German tank attack, and most importantly, save the soldiers from inevitable death.

This is one of the episodes of the military biography of Nikolai Vladimirovich, rich in bright and heroic events, thanks to which he was sent to study at the first Rostov artillery school, which was evacuated to Chelyabinsk. After graduation, the participation of Nikolai Bugaichenko in the Great Patriotic War as an officer in the artillery troops begins.

Chairman of the Council of Veterans

primary public organization of veteranswar and labor SSAU Guzynin N.G 

Дата новости для фото:  13.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  8

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