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Sharing of experience in OOO "Gardens of Karachay-Cherkessia" by scientists of SSAU


As part of the implementation of the Priority 2030 academic strategic leadership grant, our university is successfully fulfilling the task of meeting the labor market needs for highly qualified personnel for the region, which is impossible without close cooperation between educational institutions and agricultural enterprises. In the Karachay-Cherkessia, an experience was laid to study the effectiveness of foliar top dressing of an apple tree in a super-intensive orchard.

As part of the development of cooperation with the leading horticultural enterprises of our region, Associate Professor of the Department of Production and Processing of Food Products from Vegetable Raw Materials, Ph.D. Sciences Timur Soltanovich Aisanov with students of the 2nd and 4th year of the direction "Agronomy" laid the scientific experience in the conditions of OOO "Gardens of Karachay-Cherkessia".

The first part of the trip was devoted to a meeting with the management of Gardens of Karachay-Cherkessia OOO, represented by General Director Kelipova Irina Vitalievna and Chief Agronomist of the enterprise Arsen Aidemirkanovich Kushkhov, in order to discuss ways of interaction in the field of internships for our students and employment of graduates on the basis of the enterprise.

After that, students of the faculty, under the guidance of Associate Professor Aisanov Timur Soltanovich, took plant samples before laying the experiment as part of the final qualifying work on the study of the effectiveness of calcium-containing micronutrient fertilizers used in foliar feeding of apple varieties in an intensive type orchard. 

Дата новости для фото:  11.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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