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II Interregional tourist hackathon of the NCFD "HackGround"


The second Interregional tourist Hackathon of the NCFD "HackGround" was held on the basis of the North Caucasus Federal University. "HackGround" is a case–solving marathon designed to stimulate the emergence of new ideas in the field of tourism infrastructure transformation in the regions of the North Caucasus Federal District, as well as to form the skills of participants in the development and implementation of projects, including in the field of IT and startups.

For two days, more than 100 students from all over the North Caucasus competed for victory in intellectual competitions in the field of tourism. An intensive course was prepared for all participants, which included master classes from leading experts in the field of tourism, lectures, creative practical tasks and much more.

For two days, the teams developed the required module, visited checkpoints with consulting specialists, attended lectures on the presentation of projects, and also took part in fascinating interactivity.

The ITres team was represented at the hackathon by students of the Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education of Stavropol State University.

The ITres team won and took 3rd place in the track "Cases" of the Bnovo company. The guys received the winner's diploma, certificates, as well as material remuneration. 

Дата новости для фото:  17.05.2022
Номер новости для фото:  9

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